It's my birthday!
Shout Hooray!
This year I:
Didn't cure cancer
Didn't go anywhere spectacular
Didn't lose any weight
In fact, I gained weight
Didn't win employee of the year, (but who's bitter?)
Taught Seminary again
Got a new boss, 2 new bosses to be exact
Learned how to make jewelry
Tried a ton of new recipes
Reconnected with my father (after 20 years...)
Moved offices
Redid a bedroom
Read 22 books (The Help was my fave)
Drank appx. 9600+ ounces of Diet Pepsi. (that doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment...)
Talked Jeff into taking piano lessons
Sat through at least 100 hours of soccer game
Didn't spend nearly enough time with friends
Read the Book of Mormon
Cried tears of joy and tears of sorrow and was thankful for every tear shed
Officially became the shortest one in my family
Went to Idaho four times
Spent way too much $$$ on fabric
Made new friends
Sat through at least 50 hours of Volleyball games
Stood in line for meds at Kaiser for a bazillion hours (this is NOT an exaggeration)
Kept my car relatively clean
Said "good bye" to my sweet, beautiful niece Lacey
Spent quality time with my sisters, how I love them!
Prayed more fervently
Put 18,000 miles on my car
made four quilts
didn't clean my closet
didn't go to Disneyland :(
watched or listened to 160 Giants games (thank you sons...)
Got an I-phone
Didn't exercise (see #3) (and #4)
Spent hours roasting in the sun and praying that I don't pay for it someday
Read blogs, blogs and more blogs.
Missed friends that have moved
Wished for more wisdom and patience
Laughed, but not nearly enough
Became more patriotic
Faced more bad health news about Byron
Learned things about the body I never thought I would need to know
Got a Facebook page and an addiction to Scrabble
Rejoiced in my kids successes
Had knee surgery
Ate my weight in chocolate (maybe a slight exaggeration...)
Came to accept myself a little better
Counted my blessings
Became a Grandma to Carter! duh.