Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blog, Interrupted.

This Blog has been temporarily disrupted, pre-empted, interrupted and altogether forgotten by its author.

Blame STAR Testing for which I am the go-to-girl at Liberty (1573 kids x 4 tests each = a nightmare for me.) Or, I can blame soccer and my brainless decision to be the team manager. Or, I could blame Seminary which I continue to want to give my best effort despite the two above issues. Or I could blame Scouting and the two separate hikes/sleep outs this weekend that I need to get my boys ready for. (I know Andrea, scouting is supposed to make them capable of getting ready themselves. Get real) Or, I could blame sunstroke, it was 98 degrees today, (and of course I was at soccer, outside). So, I am taking a few days off during my 'crunch' time. Don't forget me while I'm gone.

PS. Thank you so much for the advice for Lolo, she said thanks!!!


Annemarie said...

You & your blog will be missed!

Nortorious said...

I. Hate. Testing.
Buy yourself some treats to motivate.

diane said...

Stupid star tests. I wish you could come to WC. Boo hoo.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you are crazy busy! hang in there.

Lauren in GA said...

We won't forget you...don't you worry your beautiful self about it!

Ugh...testing. My kids are doing their testing this week...I have never thought about it from the behind the scenes perspective...hang in there, friend!

the wrath of khandrea said...

by "andrea" i hope you werent' referring to me, as i rarely have any opinions on the scouting program, other than my kid likes it most of the time, so he's allowed to go.

treat yourself to a weekend away next week. come see me at WC.

Ilene said...

I hate when life gets in the way of blogging.

Good luck!

Tristan said...

We'll miss ya! I'm so bummed you aren't coming to WC!!

Lisa-Marie said...

We will always be here when you get your life back!

queenieweenie said...

enjoy your blogcation....sometimes it's kind of nice to get away.

Hazen5 said...

Miss you! and call me to catch up.

Jenna Harris said...

This is my standing ovation for being the go-to STAR reading person. That's a great, great program.