Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Controversy

You are cordially welcome to join our annual family fight! We have a controversy that boils over every year, with very strong opinions on both sides. Jeffrey fusses, Scotty fumes, Lauren calls from Idaho, Mitchell rolls his eyes in disgust and Byron, very wisely, says little. Rachel says nothing....that's why she is my favorite.

What is it that causes such strife in my otherwise idyllic and peaceful home?


On the Christmas Tree.

Here's my case:
1. I buy the tree. (well, I write the check...)
2. I put the water in the tree thing every day to keep it fresh

3. I bought all the ornaments.
4. I hang the lights.

5. I kept, lovingly, every ornament ever made by my children (AND, I did NOT turn them into the Parade of Ugly as I believe that anything made by the hands of my children are akin to works of art made by the likes of Michelangelo.

Nothing says 'Christmas' like gold painted pasta...

Unless it's popsicle sticks and glitter.

6. Not only did I keep them, I hang them, first thing, on my tree.

7. After my children lose interest in decorating the tree, after, say, 5 minutes; I finish all the decorating.

8. I spend hours curled up on the couch reading and gazing and dreaming in front of the tree.

9. I turn the lights on and off the tree every day.

10. After Christmas I will tuck away gently every ornament, remembering the occasion when we bought or received them. I will miss them all year until the following December.

11. Tinsel reminds me of my childhood and my mother.

12. It sparkles and shimmers.

13. It catches the colors and the tree and makes prisms of color on the walls.
14. It gives my kitty something more to play with besides just the regular glass balls to break. Now he can carry silver strands all over the house.
15. Tinsel reminds me of a time gone by, it's old fashioned.

All these points I think, entitles moi to do whatever I want with the tree I have not proclaimed a color theme thereby doing away with precious ornaments made by little hands. I have not broken down, I still buy a fresh, yummy smelling tree every year. I graciously allow everyone the opportunity to help decorate. I even wrap presents to go under the tree. (okay, I don't really do that, I rely on Lauren, who by the way will not be available to wrap presents this year so we may not have any.....)

Have I made my case for getting to have things MY way? Doesn't matter what anyone thinks...the next time you see this....

it will be tinselized


Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh, I am soooooooooooo glad my husband doesn't read blogs other than my own. He just said the other night that if he had his choice, he would want tinsel on the tree... OVER MY DEAD BODY! He said they would always fight over who got to throw it on, and he said he almost bought some the other day just to spite me. :)

Carol said...

Of course you should have it your way! Growing up, Santa put tinsel on our tree every Christmas Eve. When I woke up Christmas morning our tree was always "tinselized." It was magical to me as a child. Christmas is about YOUR childhood traditions, too! Go for the tinsel!!!

Annemarie said...

Tinsel away, my friend. Who cares what anyone else thinks.

The Mom said...

I am not a tinsel person, but all my Christmas decorations are pink! It's your tree, do it the way you want! Tell the others to bug off and go do their own tree! :-)

Rochelleht said...

Oh, you are such a good mom. I push those ugly ornaments out of the house as fast as I can.

Don't tell me kids.

Lauralee said...

go jenni! tinsel away!

Hazen5 said...

Tinsel! I would expect nothing less!!!!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I just ran my laptop over to my neighbors house because you two would have a fabulous little tinsel party. She died laughing and is extremely appreciative of you and your comments. We've (her family, me and anyone else who knows) have been ribbing her about her tacky tinsel habit for weeks now. She feels quite empowered after reading your blog. She would also like to request that you post a photo after it's been perfected.

Nancy said...

I would totally tinsel my tree if it was a real one (it gets expensive to buy a real one every year, so we have a fake one). Tinsel to your heart's desire!

calibosmom said...

I think you should put it on half the tree and then they can see how boring it is on their side.

Lauren said...

oh gosh mom please do not ruin such a beautiful tree. You have everyone here tricked...

my mom COVERS the tree in tinsel, you can not even see the tree behind all the tinsel.

If you want a silver tree go buy a fake, you take away the beauty for a REAL christmas tree.
PLEASE NO TINSEl, you tinselled it last year, PLEASEEEE for skylers first christmas at the groseclose house??

Jeff said...

Ewww barf puke NO!

I put on the lights this year anyways so HA!

Jen said...

Go for it friend! When those that oppose the idea of tinsel, purchase their own trees, they can decorate to their own heart's desire!

It's totally retro and retro is in!

Paige said...

Never has a girl deserved tinsel more. Do they still sell tinsell?

diane said...

I feel about tinsel the way I feel about Eater grass. You go girl.

Lauren in GA said...

I feel the same way. I love tinsel. My husband kind of rolls his eyes each year and says, "Not too much!!" because he doesn't like it but...I love it for all of the reasons you mentioned. It makes the tree sparkle!

Of course it has been tracked all over the house by now...but still...

Andrea makes me laugh...your cleavage...hey, that would look festive...

Anonymous said...

I love it! You're the mom, you rule! My mom would leave the room and my sisters and I would throw clumps onto the tree, as she made us lay one strand at a time in an orderly fashion!

Jake said...

You ARE a momma bear and you deserve tinsel.

Andrea's comment is a complete usual.

Ilene said...

You get whatever you want. Just like the little hen. You work, you get the bread, or in your case, tinsel.

Celia Fae said...

Hello, here I am. I've been feeling guilty ever since yesterday in the hall. Are we back together?

I actually had already read this post and I wanted to tell you that Scotty and Claire will have a matching set of ornaments once they get married. That Mrs G, she just keeps repeating stuff.

Robin said...

It's all in the application. If you apply it in little strands, I say yes. If you just glop it on, No Way. From the the picture you posted, I'd say you do it right.