Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I've got my butt covered...

Do you own some of these?

My "good" friend Rachel talked me into buying a pair of these. She promised that they would "smooth" me out. She neglected to tell me that I would be gasping for air just putting them on and probably will die from the lack of oxygen while wearing them. This is modern day torture, which I thought had been internationally outlawed by the Geneva Convention.

For your information, SPANX were designed to change lives. Good to know. Oprah loves them, in fact, she doesn't wear undies any more, only SPANX. That's a selling point for me, if they are good enough for the O, they're good enough for me. Yep, they are known for being able to dramatically improve my bottom line.

They are guaranteed to reshape your body. This is exactly how I want my body to be shaped.

If it is squeezing and reshaping...where does everything go?

And....Bra-le-llujiah!! There is a new SPANX which virtually eliminates VBL!
What? You ask...
"What is VBL?"
Visible Bra Lines. Let's not forget their nasty cousin, VPL, visible panty lines.
It's a miracle I tell you. A miracle.

And to avoid the flat, uni-butt look that many shapers give your backside, Slim-Cognito offers "The Great Divide." You won't feel the subtle butt separator, but the natural perky shape won't be lost on those behind you.

Be sure to be watching for pictures of me at the wedding with my newly shaped, smoothed and faux toned body.


P.S. I think I might have a dress.


Lauren in GA said...

I need to get some SPANX!!!

I loved the, "boda bing!"

You are so, so, funny..."torture, which I thought had been internationally outlawed by the Geneva Convention." Hilarious!

I am so excited you may have a dress!!! We want lots of butt cam shots! :D

Hazen5 said...

Ha! I wish I could have been a fly on the wall watching you trying to put those suckers on!! You make me laugh so hard,

Can't wait to see the dress on!

Annemarie said...

Have one...LOVE IT!!

Jen said...

Hmmmmm.... Spanx. The only reason I have steered clear of these miraculous stretchy, yet sturdy material, is the thought of the pure agony of trying to put them on. I invision broken finger nails, and possibly, loss of a limb.

My sis-in-law LOVES her Spanx, but I must warn you.... she sweats buckets when she wears them. I once noticed a visible sweat mark right on her bum crack.

I can't wait to see you in your new dress! So glad you found it!

Ilene said...

Ah, I've always wondered about Spanx. Sure Oprah says they are a miracle but lately I have been a skeptic of hers.

But I will never be of yours, Dear Jenibelle.

I will have to pick a pair up post baby. Oh, and unlike Oprah, I will forego wearing them commando style.

diane said...

I have many assorted shapers...nice word for torture chambers. Can't wait to see the dress.

Margaret said...

Ha Ha. I've tried the cheaper version "Assets" at Target which worked pretty well for me.

I want to hear more about this dress you might have found!

queenieweenie said...

Oh Spanx are my friend...but only if it's under 70 degrees and ONLY when I really want to impress.

Can't wait to see the dress.

I should've done a "make new friends, but keep the old.." post.

LOVED meeting you! You are as hilarious as Rachel always told me you are!!!

Anonymous said...

What we women won't do, or allow ourselves to be swayed! I'll look forward to the pictures to see if I should go on the "hunt"! Looking forward to seeing the possible dress!

Nancy said...

I'm not a fan of anything tight. I'm one who doesn't care how cold it is in Utah, I still don't wear pantyhose... just closed toed shoes. I can't wait to see this dress.

the wrath of khandrea said...

can you post a picture of you in the spanx?

and do they make a counterpart, where you can actually add a little padding on where needed?

Kim Walus said...

Yes, I do own a pair but Ariel stole them. As if she'd fit my size, I don't know what she was thinking but, I haven't seen them since. I'll have to go look into the ABYSS!!!

Lisa-Marie said...

I always thought "Spanx" was so funny until I just read there is a line called "Assets." Ha that is a CRACK up!

Can't wait to see the dress!

Hollyween said...

I want a real spanx. I have the assets from Taret. But I've heard that spanx are better. But assets are made by the same company so what gives? I have a sister who wears her spanx every single day. I think I would really DIE. I only do it when I dress to impress. Then and only then.

Tristan said...

LOVE Spanx and the body shapers from Lane Bryant! Can't wait to see what dress you picked out!

Ardy said...

My Spanx are "industrial Spanx"-- My only suggestion... don't wait to the last minute to go "pee" it's tough pulling those things down in a hurry.

Miss Candy Anderson said...
