Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A little progress report...

Five months from today I turn 5-0, that’s 50!
When I turned 49 I was totally okay with 50…now?
Not so much.
Unfortunately I saw the US Government’s mortality stats and my life is a little less than 2/3 over. I’m not ready for that. I don’t have Grandchildren yet and my life is doing nothing but going downhill from here!!

But I made a goal, and so far, so good.
My goal was to lose 50 pounds before I turned 50.
(I can’t believe that I am putting that out there!)

I am faithfully starving to death, (dieting), eating 1200 calories a day.
I am also enjoying (enduring) going to the gym a few days a week.
Once again I am attempting to give up my beloved Diet Pepsi and be happy (tolerate) the benefits of only water.

I am happy to report that I am 1/3 of the way to this goal.
Truthfully, I can’t really tell yet that I have lost anything. Nothing is loose on me yet, I guess that means I was wearing everything too tight!!
I think my double chin is smaller, I think. THAT would make me happy, happy, happy!

I have learned a couple of things during this little process:

a. I really don’t like to sweat. I REALLY don’t like to sweat.
b. For some reason I don’t think I have endorphins. If I do, they aren’t releasing themselves and making me love exercise.
c. Giving up soda is like giving up crack, I’m sure of it.
d. I’m still not loving salads. If God had wanted me to be a rabbit, He would have made me one.
e. It’s easier for me if I eat the same exact thing everyday, but I don’t think I supposed to be doing that.
f. Calories OUT must be more than calories IN. Simple equation.
f. I have to write everything down for accountability. If it’s a crumb, I write the dumb crumb down.
g. Unfortunately, low fat and low sugar doesn’t necessarily mean low-calorie.
h. We’re living in a 100 calorie world, too many of those can be trouble.
i. I can not have Oreos in my house.
k. This is mind over matter, and I need to get to the point that how I feel matters.
k. Losing weight is my Mt. Everest. I sure wish I had a Sherpa to carry the load for me.

I think I might have a little 50th birthday/50 less pounds contest/giveaway.
And you have 5 months to plan the celebration. (Dang, if only my real friends read my blog. Tell your moms will you Brandi & Erin?)
Maybe if I’m busy I won’t notice my ever more present wrinkles.


Anonymous said...

congrats on the weight loss! i'm sure you will reach your goal!

Erin said...

Way to go! I wish I had your drive...I am in a major funk right now. And I'll be sure to pass on the hint to my mother. :)

P.S. You're beautiful.

the wrath of khandrea said...

i'm with you on the endorphins thing. i never get that "high" people talk about. waaaaahhh...

make sure you let me know your exact birthday. i'll make it a good one for you. (insert evil laughter, as i imagine the male dancer delivering you a singing telegram at the high school...)

Lindsey said...

Keep going! You will feel better and better. I PROMISE! (Coming from someone who needs to lose 35!)

Hazen5 said...

Good for you Jeni! So, what are we going to do for your birthday? I still say, 50 women for your 50 years on a 3 day cruise!!!

diane said...

Girl, that is a huge accomplishment. I know you can reach the summit. Very impressive. Hang on tight. We are all cheering for you.

Jen said...

What an awesome goal!! I bow down to your mad dieting skillz! I may just have to jump on your band wagon...my half birthday was yesterday. I never imagined I would be so large and in charge at my age.

Keep up the good work! You are doing great!

calibosmom said...

My crack would be Diet Coke with Lime-its heaven in a bottle but I gave it up too-too many headaches. You can totally do this!!! 1200 is tough but you can do it! Let that 50 pounds go and you will feel half your age! Then we can celebrate your "25th" birthday instead.

Annemarie said...

YOU CAN DO IT! I am so impressed. That is a great goal. I've been riding the weight loss train for the last 10 months. It's tough, but totally worth it.
I'm cheering you on!

queenieweenie said...

congratulations!!! that is an admirable goal. at the rate i'm going, i'll be doing 40 by the time i turn 40. keep giving us your tips!

Paige said...

I'd like to lose 36 by the time I turn 36. But you are fantastic and I'm impressed.

Travelin'Oma said...

In six months I will turn 60. 50 is sounding very young and hip to me these days. I'm very impressed with your commitment and success. Good luck!

Rochelleht said...

After 5 weeks with no desserts, I still crave sweets and don't like fruit. I am hoping at the end of 12 that I will want to eat fruit. As for the diet soda? You go girl. I gave up caffeine. That was enough for me. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good idea, wonderful commitment! I admire you.

Robin said...

For the party:
everyone brings you a gift card to Macy's .
Hire a barbershop quartet.
Serve Diet Pepsi and carrot (cake)

I am cheering you on in your efforts!

Lehis said...

I will update mom. She doesn't even read MY blog...
I think you are doing great! And I agree with EVERYTHING you said about loosing weight! I'm 25... loosing weight should be easy and FUN for me... haha. I HATE most healthy food (not that I love unhealthy food), but salads... I have a hard time with those too.
I weighed WAY TOO MUCH when I delivered Mikko and decided I had to REALLY lose some weight this time. I actually lost 70 pounds (15 was Mikko and delivery), but it was TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH. I had to DRAG myself to excersize, and I had to starve myself from treats. I felt like it was my whole life. But I do feel so much better now. So keep it up... it sucks for the time being... but you'll feel 100% better when you've accomplished your goal. I'm routing for you!!!!

Ilene said...

I so admire you. I'm scared to record my calorie intake.

I'm finally getting into the exercise thing more... I don't really have endorphins but I do strut around naked (in my bathroo) after working assuring myself that I look skinnier.

Then I put my pants on and somehow the muffin top looks just as plump as the week before. There go any endorphins.

I can see why nudists like their lifestyle so much.

Lisa-Marie said...

You are a real inspiration. I know you don't think so, and probably don't want to be....but you are!

And 1/3 of the way there is AWESOME!

I think the 50 friends cruise sounds like a blast. Rachel is one smart cookie.

Tristan said...

I love to exercise once I get into the routine of it. I just HATE dieting. That is the hard part for me.

I am so happy for you though! Again, you are my hero.

Oh, and btw...you don't look 50 at all! You are gorgeous!

life in red shoes said...

I just celebrated 52 and it is exactly 2 years worse than 50!
I remember hearing that it is harder to lose weight as you get older, I hate that word OLDER!
And I will be darned, IT'S TRUE!

P.S. I always thought that 50 was the official start to Middle Age, LIKE WE ARE ALL GOING TO 100!

Celia Fae said...

I can't believe your bravery.

I hate dieting. Obviously.

Lauren in GA said...

I loved your wishing for a Sherpa comment.

I am seriously proud of you. When I give birth to this child I am going to do my best to loose weight. I started this pregnancy at my all time heaviest...I am doomed.

I always want to eat the same thing everyday when I am dieting, too. I wonder why that is.

Jake said...

What's 1/3 of 50? Too much math for me!

Awesome, Jeni! You are inspiring. What a great birthday gift you are giving yourself.

Nortorious said...

Oreos are the death of me. I dream about them. Have you tried chocolate dipped minty ones? Don't. They're too delicious.

mamasuisse said...

Awesome! I'm very impressed. Keep it up and please share any of your tips. I'm down a whole 1 1/2 pounds after two weeks!