Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Almost Perfect

While I think Heavenly Father created our bodies just beautifully, (some more beautiful than others however....) I would like to suggest a couple of minor modifications. I know that this is pretty daring of me, considering He has the power and I don't, so I do so humbly.
My first suggestion is an "EDIT" button installed in women. This would prevent conversations such as the following:

Jeri: Just HOW tall are you Mr. S.?
Mr. S.: 6'9"!
Jeri: Holy Salt Lake City! That's tall! What size shoe do you wear?
Mr. S: (proudly) a size 16!!!
Jeri: WOW!! If what they say about shoe size is true...no wonder you and Mrs. S have been happily married for 27 years!

Could have used an edit button there.

Sad thing is, rumor has it that "Jeri" quite often has "edit worthy" moments.

My next humble suggestion is that women be equipped with an automatic shut-off valve for over-indulgence. Wouldn't it just be so handy if when faced with chocolate or Oreos, or whatever your favorite indulgence is, that when enough was enough an automatice shut-off valve would kick in and prevent brewing trouble? I don't know why He didn't think of this. Just think of all the health problems that would be alleviated. I am being serious here, I am not thinking about cute small sized clothes, or bathing suit season or anything fluffy like that, only health concerns.
Now I realize that we were put on earth to overcome challenges and that we were given free agency so that we can freely make choices regarding behavior. I personally think that is overrated. For some it should be "almost always free agency in some situations" It should be meted out in small portions. I have talked to my husband about this seeing as someday he has the potential to make these kind of modifications. His take on it? "Don't talk to me about it, I'm not sure I want that responsibility for eternity. I mean, the 5 kids I have on earth drive me crazy...why would I want billions and billions more?!" He's got a point.
Just thought I would throw my suggestions out there for the masses. By the way, the shut off valve I found can serve two purposes (look closely) I think this would REALLY be popular, I may be on to something here!


Jenibelle said...

dang it!! I thought you could make the picture bigger.
It says..."Leakage protection..."

Travelin'Oma said...

I need an edit button, too. Or a delete button might be better.

Hazen5 said...

You think of the most random things! I wish I could use an Edit Button on others sometimes, no maybe a mute button!

Lauren said...

ohhhhh mom. you crack me up

Hazen5 said...

Read my Blog! Tag you are it!