Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Goddess of Do-A-lot

I have a staff assistant at school who is from India and is a practicing Hindi. She is beautiful, very thin,a vegetarian, and a very smart young lady with the most gorgeous hair past her rump. She TA'd for me last year and we have become very close. I share my religion, and she shares hers. This year for the winter break she went to India for three weeks to visit family and participate in some of her religions rituals. When she came back she told me that I am like the goddess DURGA.

Being compared to a goddess is quite cool. I hope she's not the goddess of bad luck or eternal chubbiness, I want her to be something GOOD... so I looked up Durga, she looks like this:

When I looked up in Wikipedia who Durga was, I found this definition:

In Hinduism, the goddess Durga ("the inaccessible"[1] or "the invincible"[2]) or Maa Durga (Mother Durga) "one who can redeem in situations of utmost distress". Durga is a form of Devi, the supremely radiant goddess, a superheroine depicted as having 10 arms, riding a lion or a tiger, carrying weapons (including a Lotus flower), maintaining a meditative smile, and practicing mudras, or symbolic hand gestures.

An embodiment of creative feminine force (Shakti), Durga exists in a state of svātantrya (dependence on the universe and nothing/nobody else, i.e., self-sufficiency) and fierce compassion. Durga is considered by Hindus to be an aspect of Kali, and the mother of Ganesha, and Kartikeya.[3] She is thus considered the fiercer, demon-fighting form of Shiva's wife, goddess Parvati. Durga manifests fearlessness and patience, and never loses her sense of humor, even during spiritual battles of epic proportion.


Thank you Shivani for that beautiful compliment. I especially like the part about the meditative smile, which I am not exactly sure what it is but it sounds Mona Lisa-ish so I'm good with it.

But you know what? You should "meet" my bloggy friends; they too are amazing goddesses! They juggle many tasks with a sense of humor, grace, intelligence , bravery, compassion, spirituality, creativity, faith, frugality, and generosity, thus needing all 10 of those arms.

They cook, they clean, they teach, they play, they comfort, they give, they discipline, they create, they pray, they love.

Is there a goddess with 20 arms?


diane said...

I agree, you are fierce.

Lauralee said...

that is awesome.. what a compliment! love the visual!

queenieweenie said...

that is a seriously amazing compliment!

life in red shoes said...

You are very deserving, and I think I can make with just 10 arms now.

Linsey said...

I'm thrilled that you looked her up and discovered the basis of the comparison. She's right you know...

Jake said...

She knows you well, obviously!

Fact:Bears eat beets said...

If we are reincarnated, I will be the lion perched at your feet fighting away those that try to bring you down.

the wrath of khandrea said...

jeni, jeni, jeni. let's look closely, shall we?

1. "practicing mudras, or symbolic hand gestures." yeah, uh-huh. "symbolic" hand gestures. got it.

2. "carrying weapons, including a lotus flower." please, don't hit me with your LOTUS FLOWER.

3. "riding a lion or tiger" seriously, when you hop on the back of a giant ferocious feline, please blog about it.

ah, you know i love ya. you really are amazing, and if i could handle my life's stress with half the grace and sanity you do... i'd have way less intestinal issues.

Nancy said...

She is completely right! What a great compliment.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! Definitly fits you! Where do you hide all your extra arms! That's really cool, keep up the good work!

Annemarie said...

She's a smart one, and 100% correct with her compliment!!!

Hazen5 said...

I have been a witness to your many arms in action! Love Ya

Lauren in GA said...

That is such an incredible compliment she paid you. You are so sweet to share such a compliment with all of your blog friends.

I don't know...I think I could benefit from the use of extra arms...especially when everyone needs help with homework and it is time to fix dinner.

Margaret said...

That is a great compliment. I am going to tell all my friends this for now on.

Tristan said...

You are totally that goddess! Really cool!

Paige said...

Absolutely true. You are her.

terahreu said...

Durga is really cool but mainly because she has a little bit of Kali in her too. Kali kicks butts and takes names.

They have a whole festival here in Nepal just for Durga. You should come and enjoy! I am sure you would find your inner Durga/Kali come out. Maybe you would be worshipped? It is not out of the realm of possibility, you know.

Jen said...

I would like to witness "the fiercer demon fighting form".

I believe I would be "The Goddess of Boob-A-Lot". No explanation needed.

Linda Austin Hart said...

I'm reading a great book, "Beneath a Marbled Sky," historical fiction about the building of the Taj Mahal and I have been learning a little about both Hindi and Islam. Fascinating, and a little scary considering the latter is the largest and fastest growing sect in the world.

What a fun blog page. I found you via thebossyblog, via robinblogz. (they are my daughters)