Monday, January 26, 2009

The recession has gone too far....

Today I ran across this article on the Internet. I am seeing the good and the bad in it. The good is less cookies for me to eat, the bad is less cookies for me to eat. I'm in a quandry, upset beyond belief...less thin mints ? That's a travesty.

"It's always seemed a little too effortless to finish off a box of Girl Scout cookies, but if they are a little easier to dust off this year, it's not just in your head.

To offset the cost increases of cookie ingredients, Girl Scouts of the USA made the decision to shrink its cookie boxes by a centimeter, package fewer cookies into boxes of Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, and Tagalongs, and reduce the size of its Lemon Chalet Crèmes.

According to the organization, the cost of flour rose by 30 percent, assorted cooking oils by 40 percent, and cocoa by at least 20 percent. The company felt this was the best method of dealing with increasing raw material prices. Alternatively, Girl Scouts could have used cheaper ingredients, or raised cookie prices from their current price of $3.50 per box.
This doesn't come as a surprise to me, since last year producers began rolling out shrunken products in reaction to the price of food on the rise. I'm secretly a bit excited — for once, the downsized box may be enough for me to stop short of a stomachache. "

Really, someone HAS JUST GOT to fix this economy. I could care less about the banks, the car manufacturers, Mervyn's ... but when the sweet little Girl Scouts are affected, somethings' got to give. Give them a bailout, reduce their flour and oil prices, outsource the baking to India....just don't mess with my Samoas. President Obama, you are the answer to ALL the world's problems...take care of this first thing will you? I guarantee you sir, it's a matter of national security.


Annemarie said...

It was bad enough when the size of Dryers ice cream went down, now this??
Maybe I won't feel as guilty eating an entire box now.

Paige said...

darn cookies. I'm glad my brownies aren't selling them. Now where can i get a smaller box of thin mints?

Margaret said...

Jenibelle! I think you should run for president. You would change us all for the better.☺

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, for pity sake. What else?

I need thin mints. It is not a want. It is a need. Lots and LOTS of thin mints.

Jen said...

Say it isn't so! I just bought some cookies from my neighbor's little girl... I may have to confront the little traitor.

the wrath of khandrea said...

outsource the baking. that's the funniest thing i've heard in awhile.

good thing i buy thin mints in bulk and freeze them. i think i may pull my larger boxes out and start selling on ebay. such a mafioso move...

shauna said...

Sorry Andrea, if you would have said you had the big boxes of Samoas, I might be able to start a price war with Jenibell.


Lisa-Marie said...

Oh, Samoas! Sweet sweet heaven.

What a tragedy! Did you also know that the company who makes the pink and white frosted sprinkled animal cookies went out of business?!?!?! SOB!

Dryers has a limited edition ice cream out right now that is Samoa! I tried it. (of course.) It is yummy.

Jessica said...

Can I tell you how very annoying it is that they sell Girl Scout Cookies at the beginning of the year...when I'm all on the Losing-Weight-Band-Wagon. I need them selling at the end of summer (when I'm on vacation and, thus, calories do not count) or at Christmas (when I've totally given up.) Not right now!!!

Hazen5 said...

Amen! Maddie's done with Girl Scouts, glad about that but, sad about the cookies.

calibosmom said...

That is the dumpest thing I've ever heard. When people are depressed, what do they do? They eat and they eat cookies. They should increase the box and save humanity.