Thursday, October 9, 2008

A sleepover

I Hate sleepovers...let's be real, they are really "stay-up-all-night-overs", "Eat popcorn-on-the-carpet-overs", "Play-X-Box-til-your-eyes-glaze-over-overs". Not one minute of sleeping occurs, especially when you are 11 and video games are involved.

It's break for us and Scotty and his friends have been separated by vacations and FINALLY (sigh) they were able to be together. I was surprised to come home and find Scotty's best friends, Luke and Matt here,. Timothy and Matthew, the twins, couldn't come, their mom doesn't do sleepovers. Love Her.

Scotty asked. Dad said yes. Mom was ticked. Mom went to get her hair cut. Dad very wisely made dinner and did the dishes. Mom was happier, but still not thrilled.

Yep, he's trying to clog the arteries of the young boys, homemade, fried in oil, french fries and full of preservatives hot dogs. (Luke's mom, the health food junkie will probably freak...then don't let your kid spend the night here...) They were yummy.

Look at that bunch of happy goobers, how can you not love 'em?

P.S. RJ, we wish you were here!!!!


diane said...

I'd like some of those fries please.

Cute boys.

the wrath of khandrea said...

see, if we were neighbors, my ten year old could come over for the sleepover, and i could come too. we could stay up all night and make fun of people's blogs.
no, that wouldn't be nice.
we could just stay up all night and prepare your seminary lessons together.
that would be super nice. except i'm the mom who ixnays on the grease sticks.

Tristan said...

Pass some fries! Yum! Kids need to experience sleep-overs. Some of my best memories from my childhood are sleepovers!

Jen said...

I loathe sleepovers. The next day you have to deal with the "sleepover hangover". My 11 year old usually ends up being grounded due to some nasty back talk. Punk.

Lauren in GA said...

♪ Dad is great...he gives us chocolate cake ♫

or in this case he lets boys stay over and feeds them the most delicious sounding fries ever!!!!

I hope you got a pedicure and a massage after your haircut. :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto to your feelings of sleepovers!

Margaret said...

Amen! Especially with boys. Mine scare me. Other boys scare me. Way to go on the haircut though!

queenieweenie said...

I think Blogapalooza needs to be a sleepover!

Hazen5 said...

Oh, that last line brought a tear to my eye! R.J. would have been in heaven. Hotdogs and home made fries, way to go Byron!

Rochelleht said...

I don't do sleepovers for my kids.

Only for me. :-)

Erin said...

cute boys!

Miss Candy Anderson said...

HAHAHA! I love how you said they asked their dad becaues they knew he would say yes. You always have to know the right parent to ask. What a smart boy

Ilene said...

My friend's parents would make us do chores the next morning if I spent the night. That was a good way to deter me from wanting to sleep over.

You should try it out.

Heidi said...

Just found your blog today--Tristan does my blog design, too--isn't she great? (except she doesn't read my blog as she obviously reads yours) Funny stuff, here!