Imagine his surprise when 11 years after graduation he landed BACK in Brentwood. This time with a wife, two kids, two cats, a dog, a DDS degree and student loans up the wazoo. That was 1986; now there are five kids, only one cat, a hamster, a pet mouse, a mortgage and another degree in Education. We are still here and we love it.
When we moved here in '86, there was not a stop light in town. Lucky's was just going in, up til then we just had Centromart. Jake's Variety was where you could buy some baby clothes, hardware, ribbons, tools had a wood floor and was very cool. We had a small theater and the best drive-in called Rich's. You couldn't make a 'quick' trip to the store because you knew every one. I used to conduct Parent's Club business in the produce department of Luckys. (Once, Mitch had unbeknownst to me eaten an entire bottle of Flintstone vitamins. There I was chatting in the produce department, Rachel in the cart, Mitch in the seat and Lauren in the baby carrier when much to my surprise Mitch started throwing up, all over the apples. EVERY apple was touched. It was legendary here for years. ) ANYWAY.... There were two elementary schools, one Jr. High and Liberty. Now, we have three high schools, 7 elementary schools and three Middle schools, parks galore and more stop lights than I can count.
Through all the changes, one thing has remained constant, Liberty High School, Homecoming, float building and a parade downtown. We have city officials, county officials, Employees of the Year, bands, horses, drill teams, cheerleaders, Homecoming court and class floats.
This is Homecoming week and because of the great example set by his sister Lauren, Jeff is a class officer and is helping to build the Freshman float. We are at the school M-TH this week, from 4-9 pm, transforming a rusty old flatbed into a work of art and school spirit. (well, maybe not a work of art.....). The theme for the float is "Kicking the Wolverines OUT!" (My idea was "Kicking the "L" out of the Woverines..." They didn't get it. ) It's a Lion kicking a Wolverine through the goalposts. Simple and very Freshman like, and what a stinkin' ordeal! Freshmen have no patience, no vision, no stick-to-it-iveness. ( Pray with me that we have a finished project on Friday for the parade.)
Getting started--it really was rusty, beat up old flat bed. Gonna take a miracle.
Chicken wire on and filling it with the first of 5,000 paper napkin flowers.
Yep, 5,000.
What Jeff does best. Socializing. With girls.
Working. For a minute. We think.
Raquel painted the flatbed and then sat in it.
Making a Wolverine, which in my opinion actually looked like an alligator.
The goal post, every good float has goal posts. Ours has lights and red stripes around it. Very cool and impressive. We hope.
Our float half done, looking pretty good. If we can just figure out how to attach a paper mache lion head to a bunch of 3" PVC pipe we'll have a chance of finishing.
The owner of our flatbed is a great sport. He now has cardinal fenders, gold rims and newly painted tires. Doesn't everyone spray paint their tires black?
I'll post the finished product this weekend. I know you'll be on pins and needles until then.
I love living in Mayberry.
I am sure the float will turn out awesome! What a fun activity to do in high school! We never did anything like that and there was only 1 high school in my hometown.
Whoa, that's a committment. I went to Liberty homecoming once. With the Homecoming King M. Nielsen.
I'm also from a Mayberry kindof town. Go Lander Tigers! Whooooo hooooo!
Awesome float so far. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Oh, and... Go Lions!
I grew up in a town like that in Minnesota.
Very cool float. Looking forward to parade pics.
Wow weee! I take for granted how much work goes into the floats. It looks great thus far!
I love that you have seen Brentwood grow up and that it is your own personal Mayberry!
I LOVE stuff like this. Can't wait to see the finished product!
I also think that it is neat that Jeff wants you there. Even if it is just that he needs the help, he still has YOU there. That says a lot about the job you are doing as his mom! (And Jeff, no snarky remarks about that!)
Wow! I admire your enthusiastic commitment! Your town has really thrived, nice to be such a part of all that's happening! Looking forward to seeing the finished product! Your Jeff is such a cutie!
I won't mention what stores they had here when I came to town, but I think I had to ride a horse to get to them!
You know...when I went to Tracy High those are EXACTLY the kind of homecomings we had. It was the highlight of the year for us AND the town.
Thanks for bringing back some fun fun memories!
WOW! I am really impressed! You have some serious float-making skills.
oh gosh how fun. I miss homecoming week SO much and especially float building. I know it is crazzzzy and stressful but its so much fun! i still believe jeff is in high school
that's awesome!
if your going to sit in red paint and have your picture glad you've got a cute little tush!
Homecoming in Hawaii was like that too -- all the former high school alum coming back in glory. I don't think my kids will get that kind of experience, but I am happy to know that some kids still do and love it to boot!
Who had the bright idea to have homecoming on Halloween nite? At least it will keep the big kids away from begging for candy.
Hope Floats! (Wasn't that a movie?)
Oh Jeni, you are so in your element! You live for Homecoming. I am so glad Jeff is following in Lo's footsteps!
Our town is kinda like this. Lots of fun high school traditions. The prom parade is HUGE.
Good luck with the float!
Yeah right, like it isn't going to be the best float ever with you at the helm. Anything would be better than the OM props "they" made.
I remember Lucky's too. Safeway was new when I moved here.
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