He was one of 19 little boys born that day at Kaiser LA; the only Caucasian baby and definitely the only one with very red hair. He was promptly named Mitchell Clark and the adventure began!

a life long love affair with tomatoes, cucumbers and pickles. Of all my children he is the most sensitive, but don't tell him that, he thinks he's pretty tough.

I love this boy more than I can express. Although I guess he is a man now, but to me he is still a little boy who loves baseball, video games, tennis, his friends, scouting and being outdoors. Mitch is always up for an adventure, always the first to volunteer when his friends thought of something dumb to do. He could never hide anything, we always found out. He hated that about living in a small town! One time I got a phone call from my across the street neighbor, it seems Mitch was sitting on the roof singing. Good grief. I learned to put the monkey in him to work and he has done my Christmas lights ever since!

Another time I woke out of a dead sleep at 1:30 am and realized I hadn't seen my cat. I went downstairs and opened the front door and when I did, Mitch's friend DO fell at my feet from the roof. I hear the pitter patter of little feet going across the roof. I yelled for Byron to go check on Mitch, he found Mitch in his bed, fully clothed with shoes and a coat, pretending to snore. "W-W-What?" he asked. Seems they were on their way to dry ice bomb at the retirement community's golf course. Did I mention he is creative?
He has a lovely singing voice, a fact we didn't know til he was 16 when he tried out for A Capella choir and made that choir and the higher one, Select Singers. He has an incredible memory, even now he can quote Scripture Mastery scriptures. He hated school, hated going to class, hated doing homework. Mitch still holds a dubious record, we have a teacher who has taught for over 20 years, about 3,000 students. Mitch is the ONLY one she has ever written a behavior referral for. We are so proud.
Mitch was always the smallest one in his group of friends, he was definitely a late bloomer. In high school he discovered that quick, short guys can do well in tennis. He and his doubles partner were ranked #3 in our league. This was quite an accomplishment for him, I loved to watch him play. He also was an awesome 2nd baseman and made the All-Star team a few times. This is Danielle, his Jr. Prom date, she was 3 inches taller than him with her heels on. He was a happy boy though, she was pretty cute!!
Mitch is now in a period of his life where he is trying to find who he is and what he wants for himself. I have cried more tears over him and said more anguished prayers for him than any other in my life. I mourn for all he has lost as he goes through this time. I pray he will find his way back to us and to his Heavenly Father. As tough as this time is, I am thankful for this special son and all the joy he has given us. But when he does figure out what he wants and makes his millions, he is going to be responsible for paying for my hairdresser and hair dye. He gave me 90% of my unwanted gray. I am giving him fair warning.

Happy Birthday Son!!
Great post! My twins were born on mother's day too and it was the best gift ever- or so I thought.
Beautiful Post. We often get to celebrate a birthday, anniversary and mother's day all on the same day. My mom and dad were married on my Grandma's birthday, May 9th. This year, Mother's Day gets to be a special day on it's own.
Happy Birthday Mitch!
I love your post. What would life be with out our kids? Okay.... sometimes it would be nice. But then imagine how boring all of our blogs would be? Gray hairs and all... they are worth it.
Happy Mother's Day to a very special mother!
That was such a sweet post! He seems like a great kid. It reminded me of the Chefography of Bobby Flay-have you seen it? He looks a little like him-I have no doubt he will be just as successful as him too.
What a lucky boy to have a mom like you! Happy bday/mothers day!
Mitchell was a fun brother growing up. I was lucky to be so close in age to him!!
Happy Birthday Mitch!! 22!! WOW!!
Hope it was a great day for you and your family!
Happy Mother's Day to you too Jeni!
We send our Love to you and your family!
First of all, Happy Mother's Day to you!
Second, this boy sounds very similar to my husband, only my husband didn't have as great of a family that you guys are. Let me assure you that he will figure out who he is and he will become something great! :)
Oh by the way...I would LOVE to help you with you blog design! eMail me!
Happy Birthday Mitchell!!!! We miss and love you! Can't wait to visit with you at the wedding.
I went into labor at church on Father's Day. Jackson was born the next morning but I remember Dan saying that he missed out on the Father's Day cookies they were handing out at church...
Sorry Honey, the water gushing between my legs couldn't be ignored.
I LOVE red heads. I like to think that my youngest boy has a touch of strawberry blonde.
My favorite Mitchell story: He was about ten and we parked by your purple van at church. He was inside in a shirt and underwear because he hadn't been ready for church in time. I remember admiring your fortitude in making him come regardless!
Our boys share a birthday....about 21 years apart. Believe it or not, he was the best kid to babysit. He had such a great imagination and so much energy! Happy B-day Mitch! Love ya!
He is so handsome :)
So, uh...he was almost born in the hallway, huh?
I love the pictures. You are a great example of pray on your child's belhalf. Thank you for sharing that with all of us.
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