Engagement pictures were taken yesterday, can't wait to see them!
These are the bridesmaid dresses we ordered. Who knew Target.com has a whole wedding section? The dresses came and they are way too coral/orange. SO the first batch is going back and we are getting the same dress in a chocolate brown. I ordered pink silk sashes for the waists. It should be really pretty. Madison & Payton H. are getting pink dresses to wear, that should really stand out against the brown. I'm liking the color scheme.

This is what the invite looks like. Yes, there is a time on it. I went to delete the address and instead deleted the time. It's laid out a little different, but you get the gist of it. Somehow, seeing the names makes the whole thing really REAL. I admit I cried, what a goober.

We found this cake in Latter Day Brides Magazine, so this is going to be the cake with some modifications. Namely, pink ribbon around the bottom three layers that is just regular ribbon. Then on the top a bow made of sugar paste to look like the ribbon on the bottom layers and then fresh flowers, but not these flowers, different ones, but I'm not sure what yet.
This is not her wedding dress, although, I admit, I loved this one. I am forbidden to post the real one, just in case the groom might see it. Seeing your daughter in a beautiful, temple ready wedding dresses is one of the ultimate thrills of life. She was breathtakingly gorgeous (at least to her mom). But the most wonderful moment yet? At the distribution center when we were buying her temple clothes, the sweet sister there who bore a simple, sweet spontaneous testimony of the glory of the temple and glorious experience going there to start her life with her sweetheart.
Next week will be the most important wedding blog of all. What in the heck does a short, wide, big gut, big butt MOB wear to the most important day of their child's life when they are going to be in a bazillion pictures and the "get rid of all the fat fast fairy" seems to be on vacation?!
Let's talk.
I love that you are sharing the wedding details, it makes me feel all giddy for her! I LOVE THAT CAKE! Great choice.
Beautiful bride! I love being part of the wedding plans.
Way too coral, darn! I think the brown will be beautiful. So, send me a swatch of the pink that will be used for the sash. Can't wait, can't wait!!!
I'm so behind on all of the posts! I've missed such good ones (I did read them but am just commenting here).
First of all, can I get married with all of your daughter's stuff once she is done? So adorable. I bet a 8 month 29 year old pregnant body could squeeze into the same dress.
I'm mad about the tuxedo thing because now I want to read it. It's your blog you get to write what you want to write and tough noogies for anyone else.
LOVE your story about Rachel. Don't love what happened but love your narrative and thoughts about what has happened.
I hope that teenager is okay... the people who glamorize alcohol consumption are complete morons.
OOOOH. All this wedding stuff is just so fun. I might call her for lunch one day and just tell her to tell me everything. I'll just listen and listen and smile about all the giddy funnness!!!
I big puffy heart love everything. Those invites are to die for!
I love weddings! I love the flowers, the cake, the Bride, the Groom, everything!
I love it so much, I use to have my own wedding/reception business. I wish I can re-do my wedding all of the time, well just the reception and the dress. Hmmmmm... I think I could pull it off.
Your daughter looks sooooo beautiful. I'm jealous. I have boys.
I love the brown and pink that is going to be very cute!!! How exciting. Thanks for sharing the details of the wedding,how fun!!!! Keep good notes because with THREE daughters I will be calling you!
I love the color scheme! It's going to look great in the pictures (and so will you, I have some great techniques for making everyone look thinner).
Hey when my kids grow up will you be their wedding planner?! K? Thanks. ☺
I love your comments on my blog! Thanks again!
Ohh I love it all. The cake is fabulous, the dresses are perfect and the invites are different without being overly so.
Great job ladies. You are your daughter are elegance incarnate.
Everything is just gorgeous! So fun! I love the cake, love the dresses, love the invite...love it all! Looks like it will be a fabulous wedding!
I love the bridesmaids' dresses! You know what I love the best? The fact that they can wear them again because they are so cute! And, I love that they are chocolate brown with the pink...I love the colors!
The invitations are beautiful and you are not a goober! I would have cried, too, seeing my baby girl's name in print on a beautiful invite.
I want to come to this wedding - how much fun is this.
In terms of what to wear, my mother has come up with some very tasteful and lovely outfits for her not so perfect body for each of our (5 so far) weddings. She is a big fan of Nordstrom and JC Penney (I know, opposite ends of the spectrum) if that helps.
I know I'm late on this post, but how fun to have a supermodel bride to work with! She looks gorgeous!
Wow. Your daughter is gorgeous. And I have to say...
I LOVE what her new last name is going to be. YAY!!!
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