But it's Wednesday and that means wedding stuff!
Sorry if I am boring you! Just wait, you'll be excited too! Plus, it's lonely planning by myself with my girl 800 miles away. (sad mom face) and I am unabashedly proud of their choices!
Today's pictures are engagement pictures! Hope I don't bore you, if so...carry on to another blog!
I won't be offended!

I love this picture. Put a caption with it...it's going on a Jones Soda bottle which are going to be the "favors" at the wedding. Seriously...I'll send a prize to the best caption!!! The contest is on.


He just looks so happy doesn't he?

I am going to have stinkin' cute grandkids,
and yes, I will bore you showing them off!

Too bad those brown eyes are predominant over his baby blues!

This is what happiness looks like.
Which picture are you going to use?? It's gotta be hard to pick from all the pretty.
Captions on the train tracks-
Hope to be awaiting our first caboose, We'll hold on until the tracks run out, Don't throw me under the train, Hey, let's play chicken with the train!, OR Together we can stay on track.... I know, it's all bad. It's late.
They are a GORGEOUS couple! Thanks for sharing!
A good caption...let me think...
"People all over the world, join in, start a love train, love train" too bad that is a beer commercial! Great song though!
"Together, we can keep on track"
I don't know...I am with Paige, it is late...brain has stopped working.
It's a little random, but I like to think very Jones Soda esque...
With 233,000 miles of railroad track in the US alone, Lauren and Skyler have quite the journey ahead. Happily, they've got each other and eternity to make the trip. Train bound for glory departs Oakland Temple Station August 2, 2008.
Love the pictures!!
What GREAT pictures! How exciting all this wedding stuff is. WOW! I have one daughter-its going to be fun to help with her wedding some day! That every 15 minutes thing scares me...
Love the pictures - so gorgeous, your girl. They make a darling couple.
Here's my pathetic attempt at a caption:
Two trains converging onto one track.
I love the soda bottle idea. Cute!
Your future son in law looks the way I picture my oldest son will look in 10 or 15 years.
They are a darling couple!
There is hope for blue eyes. I have brown and my husband has hazel and yet Thomas has blue- green eyes. Go figure.
We did the train track thing for our engagement pictures. It's nice to know that I am as cool as your cute daughter and fiancee'.
That is the hope of my existence, you know.
What a cute couple! You will definitely have stinkin cute grandkids!
Hmmmm... train captions.
There isn't a train I wouldn't take with you, no matter where it's going.
Pardon me boy, Is that the Chattanooga Choo-Choo? (dorky)
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. (dorky, again)
These are beautiful pictures!
I like your caption Christie!!!
I'm not even going to try on the caption (I've been sick for a week, and the meds make me loopy), but I'm sure you'll think of something brilliant, or one of your commenters will. :)
Darling pictures! How about for a caption,
Riding the rails of life together.
Two hands, one heart!
Skyler and Lauren
Is that MY Vicky, posting a comment?
Love you friend!
I spelled your name wrong, after 17 years, I flippin' spelled your name wrong. No, I hit the wrong keys!!!
She's thinking:
"I'll have him "trained" in no time!"
He's thinking:
"Her caboose is driving me Loco."
Or... (these are all of course to do with the train tracks)
"Holding to the Rod through the Eternities..."
"Love is a journey not a destination. Hand in hand we walk along the tracks of eternity. Thank you for joining us in our journey."
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me, & hold my hand, as you are my best friend. --
I'm going to be dreaming about quotes all night now...this is addicting...
I have no clever or profound thoughts. Sorry. But I love the pictures! This will definitely be the "wedding of the summer".
P.S. I'm coming out in 2 weeks for a short visit. Let me know if I can do anything to help.
You are living every mother's dream.
Love the pics. They are a beautiful couple.
"Love is a journey. Enjoy the ride." Wait, is that to coke-ish? Ya, it's late.
Oh, that pictures are fabulous!!! I'll be thinking of a caption.
And yes, your grandbabies will be darling. And blessed. That Lauren knows how to love em. I want them to come to my house EVERY Saturday.
I love the picture in the brown sweaters!
Hey, I have brown and Rob has blue eyes, we ended up with RJ blue, Maddie green and finally Payton Brown. There is still a chance, don't give up!
"He has a one track mind!"
Wow, these are great pics!! And I agree with Rachel....the pic in the brown sweaters is also my favorite.
I LOVE the pictures!
YOU ARE going to have beautiful grandbabies! I totally agree!
I love the last picture the most...they look so happy :)
I liked Paige's idea of, "Together we can stay on track" Or, "Balance in life is found together"
Linsey's caption in the BEST! I'm not even going to try to top it!!
I love the pictures! The one at the bottom is my fave.
Too many to choose...you will have gorgeous grand babies!
Do I get a prize for taking the picture??? Haha. The other pictures are SOOO cute. YAY! I'm so excited. I love Skyler to death!
I like Ardy's last one...great job she did!
Lisa Marie's sister here...I blog stalk you every now and then as I feel like I know you from the stories she tells.
This touched me because I can relate, except that my mom was the one in Idaho and I was in California. It does make planning a wedding a little tricky, but when it all comes together perfectly, wow!!!
Congratulations and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Jones Soda idea...ingenius party favor!
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