Let's Play Jeopardy!!!
Alex: "Ok Jenibelle, you had the last correct answer, pick a category."
Jenibelle: "Hmmmm....I think I'll take Parenting for $2000 Alex."
Alex: "Oh my! Daily Double! How much are you going to risk of your $10,000 on a parenting question?"
Jenibelle: "I think I will risk it all Alex!"
Alex: "What a gambler you are Jenibelle!"
Jenibelle: " Isn't that what parenting is Alex? A giant gamble?"
Alex: (chuckles. mmmhmmhmmm) The answer is............: "About a Bazillion...maybe more..."
Jenibelle: (looks smug, has this one in the bag) "What is? ......how many times do I have to say....?"
*Brush your teeth, you have dragon breath
*Put on a seatbelt
*Stop tormenting your brother
*Turn down the TV!
*What is that garbage you are watching?
*Throw your socks in the washer
*Shut the door!
*Time to go to bed
*Have you fed the cat?
*Get out of the fridge
*No, rootbeer and cheez-its are not considered a nutritious breakfast
*Have you done your homework?
*Turn out the lights when you leave the room
*Take a shower
*Yes, you do have to go to church
*Get off the floor, you're too old to do that in church
*Say Thank you
*Say Please
*Did you flush the toilet?
*Get off the roof right now!
*No I am not buying that
*Yes, you have to go to school
*Get off the phone, it's 10:30!
*When's the last time you cleaned your room?
*Stop sliding down the stairs in that box!
*Pick up the towels in the bathroom
*Take your dishes to the sink
*Change those pants, you look like a street urchin
*Don't you have anything decent to wear?
*Clean up your mess, I'm not the maid
*Stop bouncing that ball in the house!!
*We don't have a money tree in the backyard
*Responsibility = Privilege
*If you're going to do it, do it well!
*Have you read today?
*Do I have to come in there?
*Mellow out!
*Do not play tennis against the garage
*Put your bike in the back yard
*Did you finish that project yet?
*No computer til it's done!
*Work is good for you, it makes you strong
*No I'm not evil, just determined
*Make your bed
*Eat some vegetables
*No soda for dinner
*brush your teeth, they are going to rot out of your head!
*Open your windows and air out this place
*Don't leave your backpacks laying around
*Put your shoes in the basket
*Carry your laundry upstairs
*Is that all you want to do? Play video games?
*Yes, you were my very cutest baby
*I love you.
Alex: "Well, we WERE thinking of the National Debt....Judges?"
Do you have anything you want to add to the list?
Put the seat down
Remember your manners
No, you can't have something ELSE for dinner..you'll have what the rest of us are having
Go get a d@mn tissue
I probably said half of those same sentences today alone.
One of my personal favorites is one from my Mom.... "You guys are acting just like Laman and Lemuel!"
My husband just told me that I am always yelling, "I have to clean up everyone's messes... but does anyone clean up my messes? No!"
It's true ya know. The slobs.
You hit the nail on the nose! The only thing I have to add is I tell my daughter to "Use a tissue when you blow your nose!" She is 4...what can I say?
I take care of my niece once a week... here are my classics.
Do you have to go to the bathroom? No? Then stop doing the potty dance.
Look both ways.
Don't make that face at me.
You don't have to want to, you just have to do it. (That one is from my mom.)
Eat like a princess.
Be nice.
Wash your hands.
I don't have your eMail so you can eMail me tkc615@gmail.com and we can design your blog too! Yay I am excited!!
I find this to sacred to add too.
Amen sister. Amen!
"If I got everything I wanted...."
Oh Jeni. You outdid yourself. This is too funny. (And sad, since it's so true.)
How about "Drink some water!"
You probably wouldn't think you would have to tell a 13 year old that, right?
At least the school nurse got to give the speech for me.
I updated my blog Mom!
I'm constantly asking, "Did you wash your hands???" after Levi goes to the bathroom. You'd think by now he'd have it down but for some reason he's convinced himself that doing a #1 isn't germy.
That's a great list. For girls- come here so I can do your hair! Stop moving!
"No, you may not have any more chocolate today!!"
"Can you please flush?"
You're a great mom!!!
Stop peeing in the backyard
Get your hands out of your pants
Wash your hands- with SOAP
-Can you tell I have young boys?
I am stealing a great many of these! Especially the, "No I'm not evil just determined" and the heh, heh, heh, "Dragon Breath" one.
I loved Ilene's "Don't pee in the backyard one!"
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