Somehow in my extremely busy and productive life I managed to find the time to be unselfish and host a baby shower tonight. (That was sarcasm friends!) I found myself wishing to channel some of the bloggers whose expertise in throwing parties far surpasses my efforts. In other words, I found myself saying...."WWGD?" What would Gabi do? Oh, that I could have her decorating talents!!
This is Kelli, she is my
BF Vicki's daughter. Kelli is due on June 16th with baby boy # 2. Parker, boy #1 is 7 and Kelli has been trying to get him a sibling for 5 years. We are all very, very , very happy for Parker, cause he's going to get a little brother soon to love and spoil and teach all the things that little brothers need to know/
The door bell first rang at 7:00, it kept ringing and ringing and the noise level in my house kept getting higher and higher. I snuck out to take two 800 mgs of Motrin. You read that correctly, I took 1600 mg of Motrin. The "partyers" just kept on coming and coming and just when I thought we were full to the brim, more would come. The noise level reached deafening proportions and they kept on coming. The presents were piled higher , then higher and then spread out and then higher. My husband was convinced they were multiplying downstairs. At the top of the party, 54 people were crammed into my living room, a room that rarely sees even one person a day sitting in it.
See the bags in the back? All filled with presents. See the bags in the front? Equally stuffed with presents. You don't see the table that is STILL piled with presents. We had yummy food, a cake that was frosted with the wrong color, 2 crying babies, 3 strawberries smashed in to my carpet, one boy making a nuisance of himself, 2 cups of spilled punch, enough elbow room for a flea and a great time had by all!!This is Kelli, she is my
The door bell first rang at 7:00, it kept ringing and ringing and the noise level in my house kept getting higher and higher. I snuck out to take two 800 mgs of Motrin. You read that correctly, I took 1600 mg of Motrin. The "partyers" just kept on coming and coming and just when I thought we were full to the brim, more would come. The noise level reached deafening proportions and they kept on coming. The presents were piled higher , then higher and then spread out and then higher. My husband was convinced they were multiplying downstairs. At the top of the party, 54 people were crammed into my living room, a room that rarely sees even one person a day sitting in it.
Kelli is a lovely, irreverently funny young mom who is delighted beyond words about this new little boy. She has been a sweet friend to my children, a wonderful example to the YW of our ward, a compassionate friend to me. I was thrilled to be able to hostess a shower in her honor!
Strawberries in the carpet??? You are a nice friend!
Ah...I love all those people. You throw the BEST parties! Seriously, I have been known to arrange my home traveling schedule around the Grosecloses holiday parties. :)
I love the Bacciocco girls. They were always such a great example. Give my congrats to Kelli.
Congrats to Kelli, and a pat on the back to you for surviving. I threw a baby shower for a friend a few months ago, and I think I'm still recovering!
I'm happy to know you can take that much Motrin without being taken to the ER. I'll file that nugget away for future use.
It looks to me like a lovely party! It can be stressful, I know but I am sure you can throw one heck of a partay!
What would Gabi do? She would host the babyshower at PF Chang! (You are much sweeter than I...)
Success! You pulled it off with flying colors. Loved the color scheme and the table scape.
Your daughter's wedding is going be just as beautiful!
Congratulations to Kelli. My son Cody had to wait 10 years for his baby brother. I'm truely happy for her.
Jeni--thanks again so much for such a memorable event. You are the greatest! We all had so much fun and are still in shock from the amount of people that showed up. I hope Byron survived the invasion. I owe you big time!
This reminds me of my own baby shower at your house! Nine years ago! I can't believe it's gone by so fast and me girl is so grown up now.
You are truly a nice friend!!!
I got a kick out of the, "What would Gabi do?"
You are so kind to do this with all that you have going on!
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