"Hello to you, is this Jeni? This is Dr. Brand from Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg. I have your daughter here and she seems to have suffered a significant seizure."
My heart stopped for a moment and the panic I felt was off the chart. I hate epilepsy. I really hate it. It is like a really sneaky thief that just shows up from nowhere and robs you of peace of mind and moments of your time.
Lauren started having seizures in second grade. Hers are Partial/Complex seizures. She will be standing and talking and the next nano-second be on the floor. They are terrifying. They robbed her of swim team, they robbed her of certain friends and sleep overs, they robbed her of her entire Junior year of High school when she had one after another, missing 37 days of school in one semester. We thought she was doing well and now, BAM! "They're baaaaacccckkkk!"
The emotions I felt were typical, "you are there, I am here, you need me, I need to go, I don't care if a ticket is $480, she needs me to make things better, to 'handle' it. I NEED TO BE THERE WITH HER!!"
But guess what? She didn't need ME, she called HIM before she called me!

"it is a defining moment for Lauren and Skyler". I don't know if I'm grown up enough for this.
Later I talked to Skyler and he very sweetly said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of her." And you know, I didn't worry at all after that. She is going back on meds, having a EEG this week, had a bunch of tests run and will be getting to know a new neurologist. But she's going to be fine, Skyler's going to take care of her.
This picture was taken tonight, she looks pretty good for crying all day!
On another note, if I can take a moment to toot the horn for the Medic Alert Foundation.
Lolo has worn a bracelet from this organization since 4th grade.

One more thing...I know that blogging is true. That is my testimony today. When all this was happening I remembered sweet Lisa Marie and called her. She went over to Lauren's, took them Jamba Juice and gave her a mother's hug. I can not thank you enough my sweet new friend. It is such a comfort to know that a little blogging, a lunch, some chatting and I and my family have such a wonderful friend to help us when in need. Thank you for your kindness and offered generosity to my girl. I love you.
Now, she will be in Kansas City for a few days in May....anyone live close?
That is so scary! Luckily she has such a great guy to help her out and take care of her. And so cool that Lisa-Marie can check in on her! Blogging is such a great thing! I really feel like I have stumbled on a group of friends that I really needed!
It is really hard for me to live away from family, especially my mother. So I lean on my husband a lot and he takes great care of me! Although sometimes a girl just needs her mama ya know?!?
I will go to Kansas City!!!
I'm glad Lolo's ok! Scary. Shortly after Phil and I were married (like a couple weeks) I was dumb and stabbed my hand with a knife. I fainted from it started shaking on the floor from the lack of oxygen to my brain or something like that. Anyway, it freaked Phil out and after a morning in the ER I ended up stitched up and fine. Phil was most scared about calling my Mom and telling her. As she tells it, she kinda had the same reaction you did. There is someone else to take care of me now. I can't imagine Olivia not wanting anyone else but me, but I know the day will come.
I'd love to do lunch, but my flight doesn't get in until Thursday night. We'll be there until Wednesday night though, and as far as I know we don't have any plans. We should definitely get together. I think we should petition Celia into planning a blogparty for us, since she is the head blogger 'round those parts. :)
Hello....as a reader of your blog I wanted to let you know....
I am so sorry that your daughter had such a day! And more sorry that you are having to grow with her and learn to let her grow up....BUT....I want to thank you for putting in perspective to me how important the medi alert bracelet is....I am ordering one for my dad and sister....they both have a disease that needs to be recognized if they have to have medical attention....thank you.
Glad she's ok. And aren't you glad she has found someone who will take care of her?!
Hip hip for Lisa Marie!
Ah, I cannot yet understand what you are going through- but my Mom sure can!! I was in my freshman year of high school and had to have a small surgery and she wanted to come down so bad, but I told her that Kit (my boyfriend, now Husband) was going to take good care of me. Of course she had to talk to him on the phone and confirm this :) But, so you know, my Mom is still my best friend and I love her more than anything! So don't worry too much :) Also, can I get an e-mail from you if you want to do the swap? I'm picking partners today so I would need it asap IF you felt up to doing it. XOXO
I can't believe it!! (We are texting each other right now while she's at the doctors) Poor kid, glad Skylar and Lisa-Marie are there. Here I thought this was going to turn into an "April Fools Joke" but, no! We are thinking of you all! Love Ya!!!
My dad has that bracelet too because of his heart!
First of all, I am so glad your daughter is okay and that she has a great support system while she is away from her immediate family. That is a blessing indeed.
However, I can't fathrom such a defining moment of motherhood. Your baby having a seizure and loosening the apron strings on the same day has gotta be rough. You can take comfort in your extraordinary parenting skills that produced such a capable daughter who can successfully handle such a trial and select a guy who will support her in a time of need.
Tell me your parenting secrets because one day my boys will be out of my nest and I hope they act as responsibly as your daughter.
That is so scary. I have a brother who had seizures as a kid and was eventually taken of meds. Hugs to you and Lisa Marie. I can't even imagine.
P.S. I live in a suburb of St. Louis. I could get to KC in a few hours if you need it!
thanks for your comment the other day! it was fun to hear from you. i'm glad LoLo is okay! she is such a sweetheart-i hope my daughters grow up to be just like her!
Really, you embarrass me. Any mother would have been more than willing to help. I'm just so glad that I am here and I can do it.
But, as you've pointed out, I'm not needed much either. Skyler is doing a mighty fine job!
BUT...You better believe that I will still be calling and e-mailing her often to make sure she is ok. Did you hear that Lauren? Be prepared! I can't help it. It's the mommy in me!
Have a good day Jeni. Hang in there.
I was reading this post and thought it was an april fool's joke (I wish). Sorry it's not.
Love your blogging testimony.
My heart started racing as I read about the call that you have feared for 19 years, actually being placed.
I agree with Ilene...though it was, as your friend MO put it, a defining moment for Lauren and Skyler, I can only imagine how hard it was for you as a mom. I am so glad that Skyler and Lauren have each other...because I imagine she takes care of him a great deal, too.
I have to confess that I started to cry when I read that Lisa-Marie was able to deliver, "a Mother's Hug" to your sweet, "Lolo" (what a cute nickname) :)
My sister has grand mal seizures and it is one of the scariest things I have ever witnessed. My thoughts are really with you. I am so sorry that the epilepsy robbed Lauren of swim team, some friends, sleep overs and a major portion of her Junior year. I can only imagine how hard that must have been...I hope I don't sound like I am pitying her...I'm not...please, know that.
I like how Jeff said that he will go to Kansas City. Such a good boy and brother!
Our Lauren is growing up! I am so glad she is ok. I remember when Justin took care of me when I had my wisdom teeth pulled right before our wedding. It was reassuring to know that he could take care of me like that. Skylar is a keeper!
I'm glad she's ok that must have been so scary. I know I'll be so torn when I can't be the mom and solve everything... when my kids grow up and have significant others. It sounds like she picked a good one. And how great that Lisa-Marie could step in!! That is what blogging is all about.
I'm so glad to hear Lauren's okay and I know it's reassuring to have Skyler there by her side especially since you, the MOM couldn't be there. I sure remember how hard it was to not be the one there to comfort them and sit with them when they're sick or afflicted. When Mark was having seizures on his mission it was difficult, scary and painful. The comforting spirit that was with our family at that scary time was a blessing.
At the beginning of the fall semester Mark ran out of his meds and failed to tell me. I had this feeling that I needed to ask him if he needed a refill and asked him how many days it had been. Like a boy, he said, "I don't know, maybe a week." Well, I gave it to him and reminded him how important it was to be consistent with his meds.
The funny or not so funny thing is, is that he had a seizure the very next morning. I got a call from his best friend/roommate asking me what he should do because he was having the seizure as we were talking!
I don't think I panicked because I was angry with him. I calmed down, called the doctor and then I went down to BYU and took him to his nuerology appointment. She reminded him how important it is to take his medication and that stopping his meds abrutely can cause a seizure. I think he learned his lesson and couldn't drive for 3 weeks. He's lucky she didn't make it longer!
His seizures happen while he's sleeping and they still haven't figured out the cause. Mark's response to me was, "Mom, I honestly never thought I'd have another seizure" Maybe he will, maybe he won't but I do know he needs to take his medication for as long as the doctor's feel he should!!! They were going to wean him off the meds at 2-3 years and he was going to be seizure free for 2 years in May so I don't know how long they'll make him wait now. I guess we'll see!
Mark definitely needs a wife to take care of him and I'm hoping he will be an attentive, supportive, and loving husband. He's learning how to be a good father from his sister Natalie. He loves holding Baby Kora and playing with Benjamin. It's fun to see him and I can't believe our kids are growing up so quickly. They sure make me feel old somedays!! LOL!
Sorry, this is so long. I thought you might be interested since I don't think I ever told you!
sorry it took me so long to respond to this!! i was so tired last night/this morning when i read the post that i couldn't even think about typing. but don't worry mom, skyler takes good care of me. He made me call you today just to tell you about all the accounts he is opening. He's a funny boy but you know i will never cut my family off or forget about youo so don't even worry!!
sorry that was me. skyler is signed onto his email on here.
This was so sweet! It's scary to see such a beautiful girl (pretty much woman) have healthy problems. I'm so glad Skylar takes care of her! Let us know how the meds go!
Thank you for the reminder about the bracelets. I need to order one for each of my kids. I hope Lauren is feeling better. Seizures are scary.
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