These are the sweetest friends in the world, Vicki, Rachel, Carol, Pam and Lauren. Lauren was given the most elegant shower I have ever attended thanks to them. Love you!!!!
Lauren and Skyler came home to Cali for the weekend! I felt bad for the poor guy as he was the center of attention and curiosity. So many names to learn, a skeptical new brother in law to be, relationships to get straight, an inquisition from our friends AND an interview with the Bishop.
These are Lauren's life long friends, most of them have known each other since kindergarten and have been the best of friends. These girls truly love each other. It was so wonderful to see them all together again!!!
Brothers to be...whew! This went well!
I will blog more about this wonderful weekend later, right now I am just grateful for wonderful, loving friends who are always there with us.
A little PPI with Bishop Tom. Just so you know Skyler, you won him over. You won us all over....We love you and welcome you to our "family!!"
Skyler's youngest admirers! The flower girls, Madison and Payton. You won them over too, it's okay to share their Lolo with you.
Family and friends and gifts were just fine, but the real highlight of Skyler's trip?
In -n- Out, a California tradition. He REALLY liked the burgers, 3 trips in 4 days.
And he got a T-shirt to prove it.
Poor Skyler! That would be nerve-wracking! But he would do it for Lauren!
We love Skyler!!! Lauren and him are so perfect together!
That last picture makes me want some in-n-out... I miss Cali. I'm glad you had fun!
Glad your weekend went so well. All that meet the family stuff can be stressful. We also had an action packed weekend. I'm exhausted.
I want pics of your haircut, from all angles. Please.
Sounds like a fun weekend!
I am still stuffed from all the food we ate over the weekend! I thought the days flew by too quickly, we miss you guys already. We had so much fun being with you, Byron, the boys and especially Lo and Skyler! We can't wait for the Big Day!!!!
(P.S. I am home safe)
They really make a great couple! That is a lot for a young guy to take in! So glad it was such a happy weekend for you!
He must be okay if he likes IN-N-OUT!
I loved how you said "the promises of more joy to come." Bliss indeed.
Family Fun! Just wait until you throw grandchildren into the mix! Skyler already looks like he's a part of your family.
It brings me back to when my hubbin met my family a.k.a. the fam damily! Good times!
When I brought my husband-to-be home we did an In-N-Out trip and got lectured about staying morally clean by my dad. The burgers of course were fantastic. The lecture was HUMILIATING. I hope the Bishop and your husband spared Skylar and Lauren such a talk.
However, it makes for a great story.
Looks like a fun time! I miss in-n-out so badly!
I have a few ideas for the necklaces if you were still interested in having me make them. Just let me know.
YEAH! I'm so glad that everything was just as you would have it.
And i missed sending you something for the book. Ack. I'm terrible sometimes. Truly terrible. I'm sorry and embarrassed. grrrr. Still friends?
I know. I'll just have them over for dinner and give them the "talk" Ilene mentioned!!!!!
Great Pictures! I'm sure you all had a great time together. I recently heard that we're getting an In and Out in American Fork, Utah of all places. I guess it all happened over the controversy with Chadder's which is identical to In and Out. Law suits and everything.
I'm sorry I'm not very good at giving advice and I haven't had any time of late. But, I'll try to get that done here soon if you still want it.
Oh, I'm lovin' your new blog look! Tristan does such a great job!
That wedding is getting close. They seem cuter and cuter together every time I see a new picture.
How fun! I'll bet they feel like the wedding can't come fast enough...and it's probably coming way too fast for you!
I heard it was fabulous! Lauren is positively glowing with happiness. Sound like she found a good one.
To the person who sent me the e-mail about my daughter's prom dress....yep! I sure did let her wear something with straps, about that time I was picking my battles, and straps didn't seem like something I wanted to fight about.
I assure you that she will be wearing sleeves from now on in her life, that's a promise.
I also promise never to say anything to you if your child wears something I deem inappropriate.
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