1. Lauren and Skyler's wedding
2. A new Seminary class
3. A new season of Project Runway
4. Learning something new everyday

1. My family
2. Spending time with friends
3. A great book

1. The Sound of Music (which I have memorized)
2. Gone with the Wind
3. Steel Magnolias
4. Fiddler on the Roof
1. Someone I love dying
3. Drowning

1. Shrimp
2. French Toast
3. Potatoes made any way
4. Berries

1. To be a sweet, non-psycho mother in law
2. To get my sewing machine busy this year
3. Be more patient

1. Project Runway

2. Survivor
3. Friends (i know, they're in reruns)
4. Iron Chef!/ Top Chef!

1. The Wedding
2. Blogs
3. The Wedding

1. Italy
2. The Caribbean

3. Washington D.C.
4. Alaska

1. Germany
2. Ireland/England
3. The Holy Land

1. I drink a 32 oz Diet Pepsi every day, mostly ice. I know, I'm going to rot.
2. I went to Girls' Camp for 24 years. LOVE it.
3. I love to be really tan
4. I once hitchhiked from Wells, Nevada to home in California in a teenie tiny little orange sundress.

1. Mombabe
2. Linsey in the camper in Utah, formerly of Peru
3. Jen of the Friday Flashbacks

Who knew how much mileage one could get out of a little orange sundress?
You will be a great mother-in-law.
I'm with you on the french toast.
I know you so well, I could have done this post for you!
24 YEARS of girls camp?! No wonder they snapped you up for Seminary!
Do you still have the little orange Sundress? ;) I also LOVE Berries!
I kind of miss girls camp. Not the camping part, but the bonding, the spirtual stuff, and all the fun!
Dude, it's TRIPLE DIGITS here. I'd kill to have it be 95 out. We're in heat advisory mode. bleh.
I loved these!
You are going to be the most fabulous mother-in-law on the planet!
I have the Sound of Music memorized, too :)
24 years of Girls' Camp, huh? You are truly amazing!
This is my first tag...I'll see what I can do about responding since now I am sans maid and can't figure out how to care for my kids and do ANYTHING else by myself!!
Um, I hope you don't mind but I think a lot of our answers are going to be the same...eerily the same.
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