Friday, June 6, 2008

They're movin' on up......

A week of emotional changes at our house. After 19 solid years with a child in elementary school, we are done. The tears flowed as Scotty had his final honor roll assembly and I looked over this group of 5th graders that are truly the best of Brentwood. Some friends that he has had since Pre-School will be going to a different Junior High, this makes me sad. But they will be reunited in three years in Seminary!

So this is Scotty. He is ripe for the picking for the show "What not to Wear..." Do they have 11 year olds on the show? Because if they do...

Here Scotty is getting his Academic Achievement award from his Principal, Mrs. Olson (our friend MO). Scotty thinks he is hot stuff at school because she was present at his birth and that makes him special.

Check out this outfit. Where was his mother when he left for school?
Good Grief.
Scotty, Me & Margo. Celia Fae took the picture and said it was at a good angle. I am going to meet her in an alley and explain to her that it WAS NOT a good angle.
(How do those little ankles hold everything up? I am very impressed by my ankles.)
Jeffrey was promoted from 8th grade! Notice how at our school we keep the animals behind cages.
This is Jeff getting his diploma from our friend Tobi who is on the school board. Our former Bishop was giving the diplomas on the other side. See the teacher in glasses and the one to the left who is clapping madly and grinning gleefully? They truly ARE clapping for Jeff. He drove them crazy with his "socialness". (that's teacherspeak for 'talking all the time...') Jeff also had perfect attendance all three years of middleschool and has only missed one day of school ever. Impressive. I wish we could say the same about his homework record. Not so impressive.
Here he is...Jeffrey Aaron Groseclose, Liberty High School class of 2012.
Congratulations Scotty and Jeff!


Erin said...

Congratulations Jeffy and Scotty!! They sure are good lookin' graduates.

P.S. I'm in town...will you be attending KK's party?

Annemarie said...

Cute, cute boys!! I think th eangle is perfect. You have FABULOUS ankles...I wish I had 'em. I, on the other hand have cankles...not pretty.

Miss Candy Anderson said...

Yay for Jeff and Scott! I love those boys! They are getting SOOO big!!!

AnnEE said...

Look at you and your cute background!!

I am amazed about that school attendance record! I missed a butt-load of school.

Something in your blog just inspired me. I'm going to blog right now.

Tristan said...

Congrats to the grads! Wow it is kind of a big deal for the younger grades here huh?

Scotty is a typical male and needs a female to dress him.

You're outfit on the other hand is way cute!

Hazen5 said...

Good job to the Grads!!!! We are still in school, not fair!

Lauren in GA said...

Congratulations to your handsome young men. You are funny...I think Scotty is dressed just fine :)

I laughed about you saying that you are going to meet Celia in a dark alley. Don't say bad things about yourself! You look great :) I love the way you word are a funny gal!

Jen said...

Funny post!

Congratulations to your good lookin cookin sons!

I fear Jr. High and High School. My boy is short. No one will notice if he just happens to repeat the 6th grade.... a few times.

And may I say... You look loverly!

Nancy said...

Congrats to Scotty & Jeff. You're right about Scotty's outfit, but he's a kid, so it's alright... right?

I never could get perfect attendance in school. My mom used to take us out for "mental health days." Basically a day you don't have to go to school, and you don't have to be sick to miss. And mom always took us to do something fun, like shopping in San Francisco.

the wrath of khandrea said...

i will be sobbing the day this happens. will you still be there for me?

i also like your ankles. and yeah, about that 34A...

Rochelleht said...

Those are some great shorts. Now you know how I felt on the last day when all the parents were there and I'm videoing and Derick is wearing a HUGE dorky school shirt because he got the cute matching one diry.

calibosmom said...

YEAH! Congrats to your cute boys and congrats to you mom for not killing them!

the wrath of khandrea said...

did you just serenade me with dan fogelberg?

Anonymous said...

Each phase is amazing! How did we do it, how did They do it! High School goes so fast, then they tell us their adults now and Still wear those "funky" outfits! By the way yours look quite acceptable next to the choices my son made, and I thought serving a mission would get rid of some of the "tacky" stuff, silly me!

david santos said...

Good persons, good pictures and very nice colors.
Happy week

diane said...

Congrats on graduating from Elementary school.
I'm flattered that you want to use my pic for your haircut. Your hair looks thick, unlike mine, which will be even better!

Kim Walus said...

Congratulations Jeff & Scotty!!
What handsome Graduates!

BTW Jeni, I love your new background!
Your friend did an awesome job!

Celia Fae said...

Sorry about the bad angle. I still think it was good, but it could have been better if I had a chair to stand on.

Loved the recap. The cages were appropriate. We have the same life, except you already know how to do yours.