Monday, February 18, 2008

Just Curious....

I have shower related questions today.

1. Is your "company" bathroom decorated to the hilt while the one in your bedroom is lucky to have a curtain in it?

2. Have you ever taken a whole shower, including shaving your legs, and then can't remember if you have washed your hair or not? I am convinced that I am either in the early onset of Alzheimer's or the shampoo companies are adding memory erasing chemicals to my Pantene.

3. Do you:
a. stand in the shower and just get business done
b. Sing songs from High School musical at the top of your lungs in the shower
c. Play 'Amazing Grace' on the harmonica in the shower
d. Sit in the shower and "enjoy" the cascading water.
(Match the family member to the shower activity...)

4. If you were washing your hair and you opened your eyes and saw a spider on the shower glass
in front of you would you:
a. Scream at the top of your lungs, run out butt naked and soapy screaming "kill it!, kill it!"
b. Faint dead away hitting your head on the ledge of the shower,
wake up to your husband slapping your cheeks, and be left with a huge lump above your eye.
c. Calmly knock the spider off the glass with the bar of soap and try to push it down the drain with your foot. When it climbs back out not so calmly step on it and push it down the drain and then scrub your foot really, really well.
d. Remember Pres. Kimball's talk about not killing innocent creatures.
(I'm guessing no one picks this one)

Oh, and yes, of course that is my shower.

PS. DON'T put in 'shower' in the google search images get 'pono-pono-pono' !
(Refer to Celia's Top 10 Sacrament Meetings blog. And I want to bear witness that all those weird things have happened. Plus many many many more....Y'all move to Brentwood for a good time!!!)


Christie said...

My company bathroom is just as ugly as the other ones in our house. Our bathrooms stand in MAJOR need of an overhaul. If there was a spider, I would have to kill it as spiders are the one thing that turn my husband into a woman. Oh, and I'm all business in the shower. Get in, get it done, get out.

I so wish I was in yours and Celia's ward. Nothing fun ever happens in mine!

katri said...

I have a pretty nice guest bath. But it is also the "pool bath" so in the summer it is in a constant state of disarray.

As far as the spider, I'd quickly wash up, and then I'd calmly wrap myself in my robe. Then, I"D FREAKIN" SCREAM MY BRAINS OUT!!!

I totally love to sing in the shower, but rarely do. Whenever I do, Kurt threatens to tell someone at church that I am ready for a solo. I kinda think he is half serious, so I shut up, quickly. (I don't mind singing at church, but a solo is WAY out of my comfort zone.)

The Brentwood Ward sounds AWESOME! I was in San Ramon for a while and nothing that exciting ever happened.

Thanks for posting. I appreciate your words about mom. You must have had some loss like that. Thanks for helping me.

Lisa-Marie said...

I'm so glad that you left a comment on my blog. I think your comments on Celia's are soooo funny and I've blog stalked you. So, thanks for helping me out of the closet! Plus, I've been meaning to chat with you...

CAUSE, this is BIG! I think I may have "met" your daughter. If not, she seriously has a twin here at BYU-I. When I first blog stalked you, I saw your daughter and thought she looked familiar for some reason. So, I of course blog stalked her. When I realized that she is here it came to me. I think I met her at Broulims. It was Halloween and a friend and I were taking pics of our kids in their Halloween costumes. She stopped cause she thought the costumes were cute (which they were. check posts in Oct. to see!) Anyway, she even took pictures cause her mom would want to see the cute costumes too. Was that her? You really need to ask. Seriously. If it wasn't....I'm REALLY sorry for the looooooong comment but she needs to keep her eyes peeled cause there is someone walking around posing as HER!

And when you come to Rexburg, we are doing lunch! I'd love to meet you as well AND it would make Celia so jealous! (Hey, bring her with you. She'd be up for a 26 hour drive!)

Hazen5 said...

My shower is used for two things...
1- to get clean
2- I can't write down (wink wink)

I know you Jeni, I can just hear it, "EEEWWWW"!!!!!

Celia Fae said...

No way you get to meet Lisa-Marie before me. Not fair.

1. I don't have a company bathroom. I hate company.
2. Pantene makes me stupid too.
3. I'm d, like Byron? Definately not b, Jeff.
4. Spiders don't bother me. I like them. So I'd have to go with d, but if it was a cockroach, I'd break down.

Hollyween said...

I only WISH I had a guest bathroom! My bathroom is gross because I'm a messy getting ready person. I get in the shower and get out. I rarely have time to sit and let the water cascade. Maybe on a Saturday!? And I say KILL THE SPIDER!