For three years I have tried to get Jeff to try out for a part in the school musical. He certainly is dramatic at home so I was trying to find an outlet for his theatrics. I decided to follow the lead of an old friend of mine who has been known to pay her kids for doing things she wanted them to do and they didn't want to. Once she paid her child in the mid-three-figures to play in the school band. (For the amount she was paying, I would have learned an instrument and played.)
So I offered Jeff $50. $25 to try out and $25 when he finished the play. For days we heard him practicing singing in his room, (which for a boy with a voice that is doing funny things lately...was fairly entertaining for the rest of us).
He tried out and got a part! A small part, but a part. He was cast as Liver Lips Louie, one of the crapshooters. He endured practices bravely and learned the dances and was excited about the performances. Oh, I didn't mention, he had a line. Yep, A LINE. His line, (and thankfully we didn't miss it) was: "I've got a family to feed!" It was delivered with gusto and clearly articulated. As my dear friend Rachel says' "No part is a small part in the theatre...." Jeff's delivery of his line was Tony worthy in my opinion.
So I offered Jeff $50. $25 to try out and $25 when he finished the play. For days we heard him practicing singing in his room, (which for a boy with a voice that is doing funny things lately...was fairly entertaining for the rest of us).
He tried out and got a part! A small part, but a part. He was cast as Liver Lips Louie, one of the crapshooters. He endured practices bravely and learned the dances and was excited about the performances. Oh, I didn't mention, he had a line. Yep, A LINE. His line, (and thankfully we didn't miss it) was: "I've got a family to feed!" It was delivered with gusto and clearly articulated. As my dear friend Rachel says' "No part is a small part in the theatre...." Jeff's delivery of his line was Tony worthy in my opinion.
Jeff is the 5th one over from the left. I dug my "proud Mama" goofy smile out of storage and grinned away as he danced and sang his way through the play. I turned to my left and lo! and behold! Dad had a goofy smile on also! I looked to the right and there was little brother Scotty, he too had a goofy smile. We were all really proud of Jeff. (Can I tell you that I just couldn't get over the fact that he looked just like Ralphie in Christmas story? Note to self: make an appointment for new glasses.)
But the best part? In the picture below is a cute little 8th grade girl who is wearing white, she was Sarah Brown, the main character. She just might be the girl who Jeff wouldn't mind if she asked him to the 8th grade dance, just so they can stand around together, mind you. I think he has good taste in girls.
Got to pay up on the other $25 tomorrow!
I just found out that Jeff WILL INDEED have a 'standing around' partner at the 8th grade dance. There will be no matching shoelaces or anything else for that matter. But, there WILL be pictures and blogging about, fer sure!!
SO cute... Worth every penny of that fifty bucks. I'm sure he's glad he did it.
Oh, and to answer your question...
I live in West Haven. It's right next to Roy. I would LOVE to see you. E-mail me. hollye@comcast.net
I do know that I will be gone ALL DAY on Saturday for my grandmother's 90th birthday party and then a friend's baby shower. When will you be here??
This is priceless!! What a cute kid. Wouldn't you LOVE to be a fly on the wall at the 8th grade dance???
So cute! He has great taste in girls! She is very pretty! Can't wait for the dance pictures!
How great is this?!
Jenibelle~ As your cyber-friend, I must highly encourage you to read TWILIGHT!!!!!! That's a lot of exclamation points I know. Glad you liked the video. But the book is amazing!
Money well spent! My biggest regret is not trying out for a school play...I would have loved it for sure. You must be one proud mom!
I'm lovin' these last two posts! I'm going trough the same "standin' around" stuff with my 12 year old. Soo fun! I'm liking the bribery too-I think I'll try that one.
A date? Before sixteen? I don't know, Jeni. That's living on the edge.
I think you got off cheap for only fifty bucks. Way to go.
Congrats to Jeff! It is scary getting up in front of a bunch of people and having to say a line... even if it is just one line.
Jeni, I read in Holly's comments that you are going to be in Utah next weekend? I will be in Utah next weekend too, which could be fun to meet up, but also seems silly because we only live like 30 mins from each other here! LOL What are your thoughts?
If you don't have to pay anything, buy anything or match anything, just stand around, is that a date?
I talked to Jeff on Sat. night and made him recite his line for me! He is such a cutie.
Okay, when did his voice change? I didn't even recognize it!!!!!
Breakfast Saturday morning?
call me 785-5193
I would have had to have been paid $500 to try out for a play much less actually participate in one.
I admire your son.
I agree with Rachel- "there are no small parts, only small actors." Can't wait to see pics of him standing around!
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