Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's Bloomin' time!

People who know me well know that I love, love, love to garden. I love getting my hands in the dirt and digging in it. When I was a teenager, if we got angry with each other, my mother would send my sister Rose and I out to weed the yard and garden side by side. We would start weeding very grumpily and pretty soon we would be singing and laughing together. It's hard to be angry when you are outside.

My mom could make a planter out of anything. We had a ranch down in Modesto and our barn yard had a myriad of planters. An old claw tooth bathtub was home to onions. Old milk cans, old gas cans, they all had flowers in them. We used to tease Mom about it. Rose's boyfriend worked at a plumbing supply house, one day he came to our house with a urinal and a toilet and bet my mom she wouldn't use them. The urinal grew great cherry tomatoes and the toilet had daisies in it!

I love these wonderful memories of the colors and smells of our house. This is part of my back yard. I work hard out here every weekend, watering, weeding, fertilizing, snail baiting...my yard is my pride and joy.

Today as I drove off to work I noticed a new flower had sprouted in my yard, one I had not planted. I have a feeling like all the years past, this will be in my yard until October. Is it a decoration? A weed? A Nuisance? No, they are soccer balls and socks and probably will be a permanent fixture until fall. Usually there's a bike or two included. Aren't they lovely? Low maintenance except for broken windows, broken roof tiles and dents in the garage. You may grow roses and poppies, I grow soccer balls. There is no end to my talent.


Paige said...

I've found those soccer balls make a pleasing POP when you run them over with your van.

Jake said...

This was the inspiration I needed. I am not a natural-born gardener...but I enjoy it and am trying to teach myself. I'm heading to the nursery today for pansies (wonder if they have a urinal?)!

Bridget said...

Wow, what a beautiful yard you have. I wish I had a green thumb. Fortunately I married a man who does. Love the yard decor. We've found in the past that the small trinkets are not so good when unspotted by the lawn mower.

Ilene said...

We have not developed the soccer ball phenomena yet. We are in the starter stages of t-balls and sidewalk chalk.

Oh, I need pointers from you. Your yard is gorgeous and my new house only has a big lawn. I need some flowers and such.

Hazen5 said...

I love your flowers in the spring!! Can't wait to see them.

And my lawn looks the same way except it is covered with baseballs instead of soccer balls!!

Lisa-Marie said...

Your yard is so beautiful and manicured. You don't remember what mine looked like do you?!?! Good.

Jenibelle said...

Paige, somehow I thought you would...my kind of mom...if they are ever in the driveway, fair game.

Lauren in GA said...

Your yard is BEAUTIFUL! I have no gardening talent but, I have soccer balls, and big wheels growing here and there.

Your mom is impressive. A urinal and a toilet! She has a green thumb, wins for most original planter and seems to have a sense of humor!

Jessica said...

When I read blogs, I wish we could be this commune where I cook for everyone because I love it and you do everyone's yard work and Paige buys everyone's clothes and Celia write everyone's blogs and Christie organizes everyone's messes, and Gabi makes the food I cook look pretty, etc.

Wouldn't that be perfect?

Jenibelle said...

Jessica that is nirvana!! I can sew too! Who's gonna watch the kids?