They got their temple confirmation and Skyler was so happy. Gotta love a guy who is that happy!
Winner of the cake contest? We will be having a conglomeration of #4 & #8 (kind of!) But in reality, she said she didn't care what it looked like as long as it wasn't chocolate. Whose daughter is she? Maybe one like this, with some pink on it and less bows and smaller flowers.
A work in progress.....stay tuned to the wedding cake drama
This is "Baby think it through...."my 8th
grader brought him home this week for a night. This baby was programmed to cry every 2 hours and 56 minutes, all through the night. Jeff was thrilled, he thought it was great!! "Aaron", his baby ONLY cried 4 times during the night. I graciously offered to write the 5 page essay for him instead having to have this dumb doll come home. But, "Baby think it through" came home and his 'Grandma' went to bed. This is the kind of stuff that makes me think it through on the value of public education.
Tis the season to be sneezing...fa la la laaaaachooo!
Usually by this time of year I am a miserable wreck. This year I am not. Why? My allergy regime.
This year I decided to spend money,it's true...money does buy happiness!
I am so happy that I am not suffering. Here's what I do: At night I take one Zyrtec, (they are ridiculously expensive but worth it) they make you tired so you sleep well, (a bonus!!), drink an entire glass of water and put two drops of either Zaditor or Naphcon A in them. I think Zaditor might be a little better, but they make my eyes numb.
In the morning I take a Claritin and two more drops of eye drops and drink a glass of water. I have not sneezed once. I even was out in the yard all day yesterday and didn't sneeze.
My Dr. told me to do this as an experiment. He said that all his patients that take the Zyrtec/Claritin/lots of water combo have done really well. I also have pretty severe asthma so I have meds for that. It is working for me.
We suspended 11 kids at school on Friday. 2 were drinking, 2 were smoking wacky-tabaccky, 3 were off campus, 2 were fighting, 1 threatened a teacher that he would "take him out..." and one for her 5th dress code violation. This is the one that sent me over the edge. It was crazy and I was busy. She was sent in to the office (keep in mind I have no windows and I said she was SENT into the office...important to the story....) for wearing a top that was a little, okay a lot, on the hoochie side. This being her 5th offense, she was getting suspended for defiance. When her mom came in she started to absolutely ream me. "You are picking on my daughter, if I say it's okay for her to wear it then it's none of your business." (Remember, I have no windows, I didn't SEE her daughter til she was sent in.) On and on she went for 3-4 minutes and then she said....
"You're just jealous because YOU can't wear things like this so you pick on the little skinny girls. She's used to the fat girls not liking her, they're just jealous." WWWWWHAT the hay?
You know those times when someone says something and you THINK something and you don't say it? Well, THIS time I said it. "I'd rather be fat than mean" says I. Then I turned around, walked out of the office and went to my car and cried. Because that's why I do when I'm mad, I cry. I thought of this horrid woman and her equally horrid daughter, Lemon trees don't grow peaches.

Last of all: The Super Noodle Recipe. My kids absolute favorite. It's really Penne de Parma and here it is:
1 box Barilla Penne Pasta
1/2 C. Butter
1 C. Whipping cream
1 Can Chicken Broth
3-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
Pinch of Red Pepper flakes
4-6 oz. Shredded fresh parmesan cheese (not the grated stuff from the can)
Melt butter, add garlic and saute'. When garlic is soft, add cream and broth. Let simmer on low-it will thicken slightly (about 30-35 minutes). Stir occasionally. Meanwhile, cook pasta according to package directions. Drain, don't rinse. Add pepper flakes to sauce and 1/2 the cheese. Stir, put pasta in a bowl and pour sauce over it and toss with the rest of the cheese.
This is the basic recipe, you can add many 'extras', mushrooms, proscuitto, and sun dried tomatoes are a great combination. We add chicken and make a chicken penne pasta. Capers, bacon, fresh spinach, fresh basil, broccoli, asparagus are all great add-ins. It's like a lighter version of Alfredo and really versatile. Enjoy!! (Sometimes I will marinate chicken in an Italian dressing, grill it and cut it up in the pasta. It's awesome!)
Whew! This week's wedding group collaboration project will be posted on Wednesday.
Anne, not a chance!!!
Oh wow! I think you should given the girl and her mom one of those Think It Through dolls.
I am so sorry! I would have cried, too! Then I get mad, because I am crying...
Seriously, she was so out of line.
I am sorry you have felt, "stressed beyond stressed"...at least you went to bed and didn't have to hear the doll crying on schedule.
I like the cake you pictured...it looks so...crisp. I don't know if that is the right word but, I like the look of it. I am sure you will come up with something lovely.
I loved your modge podge week review. Can't you accidentally break those dolls?!?!?!
I'm glad you said what you did to that mom. I'm sorry you cried. I cry when I'm mad too.
Mean people suck! I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't know how I would have reacted.
My aunt has a bumper sticker hanging on her fridge that says, "I may be fat, but you're ugly and at least I can diet!" I like your comeback better, though.
I love the choice in wedding cake.
Okay, that woman was so out of line! I actually feel sorry for her daughter. How can she ever turn out to be normal with a mother like that? Sorry you had to deal with such an awful situation.
Good luck with wedding plans. I only have one daughter, so I'm taking notes.
Boy, this was a mega post!!! I want to beat that mom up!!! Call me, I have to talk to you about flights!
I want to run and give you a hug right now! Don't listen to that stupid, classless, low-life who doesn't have enough self esteem herself to teach her poor daughter some.
You are a kind, caring, wonderful person! And I haven't even met you in person yet! You have a BEAUTIFUL family who loves you and you get to plan a wedding which is going to be such a fun bonding expirience for you and your daughter. Planning my wedding with my mom was SOOOO much fun!
Your blogging friends love you!
Oh wow! I think you should given the girl and her mom one of those Think It Through dolls.
Oh yes. Give them the sick ones that cry every 15 minutes!!!!
Anne Lee's good!
Love the cake.
That doll can help you look forward to Grandma-hood: no getting up with the crying baby.
Who wants to look at their daughter looking sexy? WHO?!
That doll is creepy.
As a non-skinny girl, I am proud of your response and I would have been crying in the car too - mad equals tears for me almost always.
Also, thanks for the recipe, I'm making it right now!
Too bad you couldn't suspend the horrific mother. Sorry you had to go thru that. and I'm totally doing the drug cocktail, thanks for posting it!
How did I get so behind on your blog? Seriously.
I'm so excited that you posted the super noodle recipe. I can't wait to try it!!
I forgot to comment on the stupid lady who insulted you.
Can I say that she was a stupid BEE-OTCH? Cuz... she was. That was so RUDE and don't you dare listen to her. She sounds trashy, rude and has a bad self esteem. As does her daughter. If she felt good about herself, she wouldn't need to wear a slutty top to prove anything.
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