1. My family? (That I have forever)
2. My job? (Which I get paid for)
3. My church calling? (Which I am honestly good at)
4. My friends? (who I love dearly)
5. My daughters' wedding plans? (I want to continue to live)
6. My blogging? (uh, no)
7. My yard? (I would be sad and no one wants me sad)
8. Running? (oops, already gave that up YEARS ago)
9. Shopping? (Done.)
10. My sleep? (that seems to be the one lately)
Because nothing seems to be a good option for me, I have a plan. I ordered this a few days ago:

I am expecting great things when it comes! I will be transformed and able to handle anything thrown at me. Once I put my new outfit on, nothing will be impossible including STAR Testing for 1500 high school students, awesome seminary lessons, dinners for my family, CAHSEE testing for the Sophomore class, Every 15 Minutes (which I am coordinating), seeing Jeff's play at least once, planning a wedding long distance and coming up with witty blogs. AND maybe, just maybe, some sleep.
I am sure it's not going to look pretty on me. My thighs aren't quite as tight and my arms a tad more jiggly, but I am looking forward to the Super Powers that are automatically MINE when I put it on. I am especially looking forward to the waist that I will once again have, I have missed it for the last 11 years.
Thank you for attending my whine and cheese party.
I am sending you all my "Mom Super-Power" vibes right now. You need them right now more than me! I wish I was there to pick up some slack. I am buying wedding Mags. today, lets compare! Love you and I know you can do it all.
You are a busy lady! Good luck!
Oh, my mom has my veil in her closet and she claims she knows exactly where it is. I'd bring it over, but I'm back in Vegas. You'll just have to bug her until you get it. :)
We all need a good whine every now and again. Isn't that what blogging is for?
Baby, can't wait to see the picture of you in that outfit. I say give up the family. Since you have them forever, they'll still be around when you are ready to take them back. Make Rachel plan the wedding.
I'll order you some of those boob dickies from Paiges blog. Hopefully Tom will be reading this and get the message.
Is Scotty eleven already? Yikes.
When you are done with the suit, can I please borrow it?
And finally, why did you delete your comment? It was funny. Especially the saintly part.
Oh, I want one too.
I keep wondering what thing I should give up! NOT BLOGGING!!!!
just read your blog about your princess. How very exciting and I feel special that I heard the news before most since you were driving by talking to her on the phone when you saw me and shouted out your window. "my daughter just got engaged." I went away thinking how very exciting for you. You were so excited for her which was very sweet. Good luck with all the preparations. I like throwing parties so if you need a helping hand just holler.
I feel your pain. I wish I had something encouraging to say...but, I know it has got to be overwhelming. Yeah, not to encouraging am I?...wait...I am switching modes...
YOU CAN DO IT! In all honesty, I just met you and I know you can :)
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