Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This is where I'm headed...

Have you ever been overwhelmed and under capable to handle the pressure?

That's me, and this is where I am headed, the exploding head zone. Too much stuff, too many details and tid-bits of information to pack into one tiny little brain, mine. Can someone please tell me how to say the simple word "no" ? I seem to have forgotten, and it would come in real handy about now.

I am hanging on by white knuckled fingernails and have scheduled my nervous breakdown for August 4th, anyone care to join me?


Annemarie said...

Oh man...I've been there. You have to let it out or you will spontaneously combust! Is Aug 4th by any chance the wedding day? Hang in there...and gripe any time you need to!!!

Ardy said...


Caroline C. Bingham said...

I'll say it for you. I'm a pro.;)

Kim Walus said...

I often find myself in deep waters and I'm not always sure how I got myself there. I've seriously considered having "NO" tatooed to my forheard. Then If someone asks me to do something I can just point to my forehead! LOL!

Annemarie said...

OK, I'm laughing so hard at your comment...it's ALWAYS hilarious when it's not your own kids!!!

Linsey said...

Um, sorry, as a person unable to say "no" as well I cannot advise you. But, while you're trying to learn, feel free to come hide out in Peru with us - it's pretty remote so you'll be safe.

We are going to Venezuela next, even though President Chavez is a crazy dictator and hates Americans. Look for fun blog posts about that in the very near future (August).

Margaret said...

You were really banned from electronic games? WOW. So sorry. And guacamole is so yummy...sorry you are allergic.

Regarding saying the "N" word...this often works for me "I need to check my calendar" and I will get back to you. Then, think it over before you say yes. Good luck.

Nancy said...

Honestly, I'm terrible at saying no. But you'll make it through the next couple of months.

ps. Sorry I didn't get a chance to call... it's been crazy. I'll email you.

Lisa-Marie said...

Bummer. I thought you were saying you were headed to Rexburg. Maybe you should consider THAT.

Hang in there. Anything I can do from Idaho? I'll do it.

Ilene said...

I was lucky, I grew up during the "Just Say No" era.

Actually, I feel for you. We have all been there. Well, all us women folk have.

Hazen5 said...

Just don't start saying "No" this in a couple of days. This is the weekend of "YES"!!!

See you Friday.

Lauren in GA said...

I am so sorry! Head explosions are such a pain to have to clean up...hang in there, sista'.

Tristan said...

Just don't make to big of a mess when you explode :) No really, I am sorry you are feeling this way! It will all be ok! I promise!

Hollyween said...

Hey, this sounds a lot like my post from today.

I have the same stuff going on over here!

Lisa-Marie said...

I'm trying to get to your tux post. It's MISSING. What going on? I have LOTS to say. Though you might ignore me. I forgot to get in the style line too!

AnnEE said...

Provided my kid stops being a booger (today has been rough), a few kisses from him on Saturday at breakfast will make everything better!

Paige said...

The wedding post is on my reader, but you took it down. And I have Opinions. But maybe that's why you took it down. Here ya go, anyway.

White is a NOOOO. just ugly and trailer park. The white dinner jacket is OK if it's a super formal dress/reception. I love the brown because it's contemporary, but worried it might look dated in 10 years, like powder blue does today. So black is good, I prefer suits at a "garden" wedding, but brides like tuxes. However, if they wear tails they need to serve dinner, too! Tails are for waiters. just a few opinions. Take 'em, or just leave 'em!

Paige said...

If someone leaves you nasty comments, just delete them. That's what that little garbage bin is for. I love helping plan the wedding!

As for black tuxes with brown and pink, black is very very neutral like white, and dressy and elegant. Brown is a color, black is a basic shade. Make sure they have brown and pink ties, or just pink ties, or whatever the bride (and you) like.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I was feeling really bad that I hadn't left any introduction on your blog but I've left 2 comments. I'm a college friend of Paige's who is on her way to a meltdown as well so I figured I'd post my intro here. If you click through to my blog you'll probably figure out why, and since I was rude and left messages without telling you who I was first, I'll further explain that blogs are my sanity finders and I'll tell you before I've told just about anyone else that I think I'm not getting my husband back home (here in the house, not just back from Iraq - it's a long story) for another 15 months, which would put this particular separation at 19 months total. And I should be getting myself and 3 kids dressed for church....
Sorry again. I really do like your blog. It makes me laugh.